Dear RSU34 Families,
I hope that you have had an opportunity to enjoy your summer and found time to relax with your family! As we get closer to starting school, many people are wondering what school will “look” like for the 2021-2022 school year.
In RSU #34, we are planning to start school in a more “normal” manner and have 100% of our students for in-person learning. At this time, there is not a remote learning option for the 2021-2022 school year. We believe it is most important to have staff and students together for in-person learning and socialization. Accommodations will be made for mandated quarantine situations.
We are excited to have all of our students returning to our classrooms 5 days a week. Guidance for a safe return to school has changed frequently over the course of the summer and continues to evolve rapidly. We will adjust as needed and communicate the changes as quickly as possible. The final plan for return will be released following the RSU #34 School Board meeting on August 25, 2021. The first student day is set for Tuesday September 7, 2021.
Please know that our students’ physical and social/emotional well-being while providing in-person instruction is our highest priority. Research informs us that masks, hand washing, social distancing, ventilation, screening and vaccination layered together create a stronger more resilient protection against Covid-19. With consideration for the age of the students as well as the level of transmission in our community, we will balance the use of any or all reasonable and possible layers of protection to develop and monitor a safe environment and minimize disruptions due to virus outbreaks and resulting quarantines.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. Regular updates to our plans will be published as we approach the first day of school on September 7th.