Our winter issue of Community Connections is off to the printing presses and will be in mailboxes in a week or so. Many thanks to the staff and community members who provided pictures and articles, and to Gossamer Press for the artistic magic! Here's a link to the digital version: https://5il.co/cqle
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Jon Doty
Cc Snapshot p. 4
Wednesday is World Read Aloud Day...line up a favorite story and an audience! https://www.litworld.org/worldreadaloudday
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Jon Doty
Reading Aloud
Dear 3rd Grade Parents and Caregivers, In the third grade, we administer the Cognitive Abilities Test to our students. This test (the “CogAT“) is used to help identify thinking patterns in students, and to show areas in which a student’s achievement may not match their abilities. The CogAT is also used as one of our screening tools for Chapter 104, the Maine regulation governing Gifted & Talented Services. This year, the CogAT will be administered in February. The CogAT includes three sections, each of which takes about an hour to administer (verbal, quantitative, and figurative). Once we receive score data, we will send home your child’s scores, and help you interpret what they mean. For more information, please talk with your child’s teacher, Mrs. Harvey, Mrs. St. Peter, or the school principal or Dr. Doty (jon.doty@rsu34.org). Students for whom recent cognitive testing is on file may be excused from this testing to maintain instructional time with specialists – please see your child’s teacher.
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Jon Doty
about 5 years ago, David Walker
Here's another kid-friendly activity at a local treasure our students frequently visit.
about 5 years ago, Dr. Jon Doty
Hirundo Ski Wildlife Yoga
Here's the Winter & Spring Adult Ed flyer from the Riverside Adult Ed partnership. Lots of great academic and enrichment classes! Link to flyer: https://5il.co/cjjk
about 5 years ago, Dr. Jon Doty
Adult Ed
Viola Rand School first graders are piloting a cooking club wih Chef Josh from RSU #34 Food Service. They're looking forward to sharing their first creations with their classmates this afternoon!
about 5 years ago, Dr. Jon Doty
VRS Cooking Club
We're seeking OTHS alumni updates for our next issues of Community Connections! Our alumni are doing awesome things all around the world and we want to share, celebrate, and inspire our current students! This is also a great way to share things like class reunion dates. To share an update please email Amy.McFalls@rsu34.org ('05 OTHS).
about 5 years ago, Dr. Jon Doty
Yellow's a good look on Mrs. Wilcox!
about 5 years ago, Dr. Jon Doty
Mrs. WIlcox Yellow Paint
In addition to the extensions, enrichment, and acceleration their teachers provide in the classroom, students who need frequent additional services may be referred for services by the Chapter 104 program. Please don't hesitate to reach out to the child's teacher for more info, and here's a link to referral forms! For student self-referral: https://5il.co/car0 And for other non-staff referrals: https://5il.co/caqt
about 5 years ago, Dr. Jon Doty
Here's a quick reference for how to best find answers to questions, initiate communication with staff, and start referrals for extra supports or extensions / enrichment. Please always feel welcome to reach out to our staff!
about 5 years ago, Dr. Jon Doty
Guide to Referrals and Parent Communication
OTHS Robotics hosted a very successful competition on Saturday! 16 teams with more than 70 students brought their robots, troubleshooting, and game strategies to OTHS to compete in Tower Takeover, the 2019-2020 VEX Robotics contest. Our teams fared very well! Thanks to all of the volunteers who made the event a success.
about 5 years ago, Dr. Jon Doty
OTHS VEX 2019_12_14
about 5 years ago, David Walker
about 5 years ago, David Walker
OTHS Theatre presents a three-course mystery theatre experience!
about 5 years ago, Dr. Jon Doty
about 5 years ago, David Walker
Our future-thinking group looking at elementary schooling continues its work on Monday - we'll be reviewing community survey results and discussing next steps in our exploration. Please email Jon.Doty@rsu34.org if you're interested in joining us! From early October: Regional School Unit #34 (Alton, Bradley, and Old Town) seeks community stakeholders to join an ad hoc advisory committee that will engage in future-thinking conversation about elementary programming across Alton Elementary School, Viola Rand School, and Old Town Elementary School. Those interested in participating can email or call Dr. Jon Doty, RSU #34 Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, at jon.doty@rsu34.org or 827-3932. This fall teachers welcomed the biggest kindergarten class RSU #34 has ever seen, and the RSU was also able to pilot full-day Pre-K at one location. “We’re proud to have kids thriving in three elementary schools,” says Doty. “Our children are engaged, supported, and learning; we’re thankful for wonderful educators and a very supportive community!” The advisory committee will take a “big picture” look at elementary schooling, and if the group sees opportunities worth pursuing, will make recommendations to the School Board. The group will discuss strengths of current approaches, wish-list opportunities for students such as learning world languages and all-day Pre-K, long-term facilities and transportation needs, partnership opportunities, a possible alternative structure to Title I interventions, and whether one or more schools should explore “niche” opportunities such as a nature immersion school or a public Montessori school. Each meeting will be open to the public and will include a public comment period; the RSU seeks to have a core group of advisory committee members that attends every meeting. “We have fantastic things going on for children,” says Doty, “and know that they and our communities are best served in the long-run by occasionally re-examining our practices rather than resting on our laurels.”
about 5 years ago, Dr. Jon Doty
about 5 years ago, David Walker
Re-post...thanks for the survey replies so far! We'll start taking a look at these this weekend so please take a moment to give us feedback and ideas this week. *** Dear Alton, Bradley, and Old Town community member, We write to solicit feedback to inform some forward-thinking planning for our elementary schools (Alton Elementary, Old Town Elementary, and Viola Rand School). Kids are thriving in each, and we recently welcomed our largest kindergarten class in RSU #34 history! We know we serve children best if we continually re-examine our practices rather than rest on our laurels, and a committee of staff, parents, and community members is taking the lead on that work. We’d appreciate your feedback on our strengths, challenges, and some opportunities, through doing this brief online survey by Saturday 11/16: https://forms.gle/QuJVDbL43Ge1us2g9 If you’re interested in joining or visiting our committee, please email or call Dr. Jon Doty: 827-3932 or jon.doty@rsu34.org Thanks!
about 5 years ago, Dr. Jon Doty
Immediate Opening for Ed Tech III opening at Old Town High School. Check out the Employment tab at www.RSU34.org for application and more information
about 5 years ago, Angela Porter