RSU 34 has updated its federally-required Plan for Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services based on the latest CDC guidance on respiratory viruses. That plan, and relevant documentation on use of federal ESSER/ARP funds, can be found here:
11 months ago, Dr. Jon Doty
The RSU 34 School Board will hold a budget workshop on Wednesday, March 13, 2024 in the LMS Cafeteria beginning at 6:30p.m.
11 months ago, Matthew Cyr
As the RSU 34 School Board and administrative team build the budget for the 2024 - 2025 school year, it is critical that we have accurate numbers of students we should expect for Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten. If you live in Alton, Bradley, or Old Town and plan on having a child enter Pre-Kindergarten, or Kindergarten please initiate the enrollment process by contacting the school in the town where you and your child(ren) reside. To make the enrollment process, please see the district webpage found here: This page features our newly released online enrollment procedure. Don't hesitate to call if there are questions. Please share this post with your friends and family who may know of other Pre-Kindergarten or Kindergarten children in our school community. Thank you!
11 months ago, Matthew Cyr
The RSU 34 School Board will hold a budget workshop on Wednesday, February 28, 2024 in the LMS Cafeteria beginning at 6:30p.m.
11 months ago, Matthew Cyr
RSU 34 and the OTO-YMCA partner on the River Runners program, one of the "beacons of hope" identified in this statewide Op-Ed that are proactively creating opportunities for youth. Making multiple positive niches for every child/youth is an important part of their development - some of those happen in school, and some out of school. River Runners is part of the Aspirations Incubator Program, of the Rural Futures Fund.
11 months ago, Dr. Jon Doty
Some of the services RSU 34 provides are funded federally, such as those provided under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) and those funded via ESSER / ARP (covid-relief funds, which conclude Sept. 2024). Planning for the use of federal funds is underway in parallel with the RSU 34 planning and budgeting process for 2024-2025. For more information about how to provide input or be involved in the process, please contact Dr. Jon Doty (
12 months ago, Dr. Jon Doty
The RSU 34 School Board will hold their monthly meeting on Wednesday, February 14, 2024 in the LMS Cafeteria beginning at 6:30p.m.
12 months ago, Matthew Cyr
Pictured: the wild Saturday nightlife of a school district Facilities Director. Thanks, Mr. Fournier, for fixing the leaking roof drain discovered at Saturday's OTES event!
12 months ago, Dr. Jon Doty
Facilities Director
Saturday was a busy day for RSU #34's robotics teams! On one side of the river, the LMS robotics team competed in the FIRST Lego League Maine State competition. The team was excited that in their very first round they exceeded the best score they had all year the prior year. They competed several more times that day, building on that success and growth. Meanwhile, across the river the OTHS robotics teams competed in the VEX "February Finale", the last meet of the regular season. Three of the four OTHS teams had already qualified for the state championships going into that meet, and one of the four OTHS teams had already qualified for the CREATE U.S. Open Robotics Tournament. In RSU #34, we undertook an initiative a decade ago, spearheaded by one of our community members and volunteer coaches, to integrate robotics and coding into the school day. Beginning with Bee Bots at our elementary schools, through WeDo, Spike Prime, NXT, Sphero, coding, app design, 3D design and printing, laser cutting and engraving - RSU #34 students have lots of opportunities to develop computational thinking and cutting-edge skills! Along the same lines, we learned Friday that the OTHS JROTC Cyber Security team, league champions, is invited to compete in the 2nd JROTC Brigade competition in March. Congratulations, Cadets!
12 months ago, Dr. Jon Doty
LMS Robotics
OTHS Robotics
RSU 34 Schools will be closed tomorrow: Wednesday, January 10, 2024. We hope everyone remains safe during the storm.
about 1 year ago, Matthew Cyr
Our 4th grade's "Box of Maine" program was featured in a statewide press release today - thanks to Mr. Rand and the 4th Grade Team, the PTC, and the Box of Maine Company for making this happen!
about 1 year ago, Dr. Jon Doty
Good morning RSU #34! We’re pleased to continue sharing staff profiles of our RSU #34 team. This month we visited with Ann Richard, Kitchen Manager at Old Town High School. After several days of disruption in our community due to the big storm, students and staff are excited about the breakfast and lunch Ann and team are preparing today! Ann was interviewed by our Assistant Superintendent, Dr. Jon Doty. When you were a kid what did you think you wanted to be when you grew up? I always wanted to be a graphic artist. I didn’t know what it was, but I liked art! In high school I also wanted to design clothes. What was your favorite book as a kid? Favorite book / author now? There was a book series about nurses that I really liked. Now, I like mysteries. The Family Upstairs by Lisa Jewell is a favorite. What was your favorite show or movie as a kid? The Brady Bunch and The Munsters! What led to your career - you’ve worked with us for more than 30 years! Before I had kids I worked as a payroll clerk at the shoe shop. I chose to stay at home with the kids, and then I started to work at the schools so I could match up with their schedules, snow days, and vacations. I started with the schools as a substitute, and now I’m Kitchen Manager. I also coached middle school field hockey for a while with Deb Ziobron (rest in peace). What do you like about working in RSU #34? I’ve always liked cooking, and I really love the kids. I initially wasn’t excited about working with high school aged kids, but I love it. They’re mature, and I like talking to them…if they initially don’t want to talk, I consider it my challenge to get them to talk. What do you like about our community? This area is nice, safe, and friendly. There’s a great atmosphere and sense of community, with fun things to do in town. What’s something most people don’t know about you? My 2nd grade report card said “Ann tends to be a little bossy.” Also, I’m addicted to Dateline. That fits with reading mysteries! How do you recharge your batteries? I like being home with peace and quiet, reading a good book. Who was your favorite teacher? Miss Pliska - she read to us a lot in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. If you could time travel, where is the first time/place you would go? I’d spend time with my parents again. My dad is the person I look up to most in life. If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Pepperoni and onion pizza. If you could appear on any game show, what would it be? Wheel of Fortune Favorite treat? Trader Joe’s Peanut Butter Cups Would you rather come face-to-face with a polar bear in the arctic, or a snake in the desert? Polar bear. No question. Thanks, Ann, for your hard work for our schools! RSU #34 Community, if you’d like to suggest someone for a future staff profile please use this form:
about 1 year ago, Dr. Jon Doty
Ann Richard at OTHS Coffee Bar
All RSU 34 schools will open tomorrow on schedule (12/21/23). Power has been restored at OTES & LMS. Alton is still running on backup generator, but it is a full-school generator. OTHS and Bradley have power. Phone systems in the district are back online. All major roads have been reopened. Cyr Bus is confident they can safely reroute all bus runs around any remaining road closures. For this reason, they ask that bus students be ready a little earlier than usual, and hang tight if the bus seems to be running a little late. Under these circumstances, parents may also elect to drop-off and pick-up their students. Thank you for your patience, understanding, and overwhelming support!
about 1 year ago, Matthew Cyr
The RSU 34 School Board meeting scheduled for this evening is cancelled. Our next scheduled School Board meeting is January 17, 2024--6:30pm in the LMS cafeteria.
about 1 year ago, Matthew Cyr
RSU 34 Schools will be closed today, 12/20/23. We are still w/out power and heat at OTES, and do not have working phones in 4/5 schools. There has been some progress on road work, but several road closures remain. The Old Town Elks will be opening as a warming shelter at 6:00a.m. this morning. We are working with the DOE on a contingency plan for the remainder of the week if conditions do not change. Be safe.
about 1 year ago, Matthew Cyr
RSU34 Schools will be closed today 12/19/23. Power outages are widespread. Multiple road closures in and around Old Town. Trees in roadways. Flooding in small streams. Uncertain if we can staff our buildings. Please be safe everyone. We will remain hopeful that crews can safely get us going by tomorrow.
about 1 year ago, Matthew Cyr
NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS INVITATION FOR BIDS RSU 34 is conducting a competitive bid process for a Roof Replacement Project of the Leonard Middle School classroom wing in Old Town, Maine. A mandatory on-site pre-bid conference will be held for this project at 1:00 pm on December 11, 2023. Bids will be opened and read aloud by the Superintendent of RSU 34 at 12:00 p.m. (noon) on December 28, 2023 (Leonard Middle School and Superintendent Office are both located at 156 Oak Street, Old Town, ME). The detailed Notice to Contractors is listed on the school districts website: or, directly here:
about 1 year ago, Matthew Cyr
RSU 34 schools are closed today, Monday, December 4, 2023.
about 1 year ago, Matthew Cyr
RSU 34 November, 2023 Student Spotlight Tegbaru C. 11th Grade at Old Town High School Old Town High School 11th grader, Tegbaru C. (Teg) is the RSU34 November student spotlight. I met up with Teg today during his ‘Coyote Time.’ Teg and I go wayyyy back to his younger years at Old Town Elementary. As we were walking over to the library to sit down and talk he anecdotally shared that he and his mom were just talking about me and some of our interactions from when he was younger–all good stuff of course! 🙂 We led off talking about how his year has been going. Teg shared, “School has been great so far. This is my most chill week this year.” When asked to explain what he meant by that last part, “During the first quarter I had a lot of late nights and early mornings of school work because I was getting used to my new classes. I was tagged a lot at first by my teachers, but not as much anymore.” I knew what he was talking about, but asked for his perspective on how the ‘tag’ system works at OTHS. “We have what’s called Coyote Time in the middle of the day. It’s kind of like office hours for students and teachers. We have a designated room to be in during this time, but teachers can ‘tag’ us if they feel we need to see them, or we can request to be tagged by a teacher if we want to go and get some extra help. It’s kind of like an extra study hall, but way better because we can access our teachers. You really aren’t supposed to skip or miss any of your tags. I think you get detention, but I’m not sure because I haven’t really missed any.” I appreciated hearing Teg’s perspective on ‘Coyote Time’ and how it helps our students learn and grow. Changing the subject, we talked about sports. Teg loves to play soccer and noted that he enjoyed this past season. “It was great to have both returning players as well as a bunch of new players. We had a good season and got to be a part of the sendoff of the longtime soccer coach.” I asked Teg what his plans were for winter and spring sports and he shared that he does Blackbear Crossfit training and will be on the tennis team. “For my senior year I think I’m going to focus more on clubs like Key Club, Student Council, and Yearbook.” As we were wrapping things up, Teg slipped out the statement, “I’m getting inducted into NHS tonight.” This stopped me in my tracks because the National Honor Society is a BIG deal. We fist bumped and I told him how proud I was of him for earning this honor knowing it came with a lot of hard work and dedication. Teg responded with his infectious smile….if you know Teg, you know the smile I’m talking about! In addition to what I have shared here, we discussed other things he likes to do outside of school such as riding his scooter, and things he recommended I should change to make our schools better. It quickly reminded me of the big-hearted kid I knew long ago. Thank you for your time, today Teg. I hope the rest of your junior year is fantastic! We are proud of you—keep smiling! 🙂
about 1 year ago, Matthew Cyr
RFP School Road Sign/Electronic Message Center (EMC) issued November 29, 2023 Regional School Unit #34 (Old Town, Alton, Bradley Maine) seeks proposals for the following projects: Project 1. A double-faced (two-sided) sign and electronic message center (EMC) to replace the existing Old Town Elementary Sign located at 576 Stillwater Ave., Old Town, ME. Project 2. A single-side sign to be installed on the corner of the Leonard Middle School office wing located at 156 Oak Street, Old Town, ME. Both signs must comply with City of Old Town ordinance. It is preferred that we receive multiple pricing options for varying style and quality in electronic message centers. Both signs will include the RSU logo and name of the respective school. Both signs will include a lifetime data plan for connectivity, and a cloud-based software/management system. These projects are funded with federal grants, so all applicable federal assurances must be followed, including Davis Bacon. If available, reference contacts are preferred. Please submit proposals no later than noon, December 28, 2023 to: Superintendent Matthew Cyr, 156 Oak Street Old Town, ME 04468
about 1 year ago, Matthew Cyr