YMCA Healthy Kids Day April 20, 2024, 10-2
5 months ago, Dr. Jon Doty
YMCA Healthy Kids Day 2024
Did you receive an extra author visit book? If so, please return it to school. Are you missing a book you ordered? If so, please email michelle.reesman@rsu34.org.
5 months ago, Maggie Mitchell
A reminder that we go outside in all types of weather! Please plan to send boots, snow pants, jackets, mittens/gloves and a hat over the next week or so as spring in Maine seems to bring snow!
5 months ago, Maggie Mitchell
clip art of various children dressed for winter with a large snowball
Important Reminder: No school tomorrow, Friday, March 15th for a staff in-service day. Enjoy the long weekend!
6 months ago, Maggie Mitchell
NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS on a green chalkboard background with wood frame
Help your child get ready for baseball or softball and support the OTHS Coyotes at the same time! Win-win!
6 months ago, Maggie Mitchell
OTHS baseball and softball clinic flier
RSU 34 Elementary World Culture and Language Teacher, Kristen LePard, as well as volunteer garden coordinator and school board member, Christina Lannan, presented at the annual Educators for a Multilingual Maine conference on March 8. Their session, entitled Cultivating a Sense of Community Through Language, Food, and Art was well received. Check it out here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1PwC7aB8AouprrEqfbrwy_QNm6rw5xracILFoDZMJzww/edit?usp=sharing
6 months ago, Maggie Mitchell
Christina Lanaan  presents on double screens at the front of a classrooom to adults seated at tables
Kristen LePard poses in front of screens with presentation cover and a table of food and language resources
A teacher poses with her notebook and a corn husk doll
Kristen LePard presents on double screens at the front of a classrooom to adults seated at tables
Mark your calendars and get your fun socks ready for our upcoming RSU 34 Spirit Day on Friday, March 29th. Donations will be collected for Courageous Steps.
6 months ago, Maggie Mitchell
Lots of Socks flier
Some of the services RSU 34 provides are funded federally, such as those provided under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) and those funded via ESSER / ARP (covid-relief funds, which conclude Sept. 2024). Planning for the use of federal funds is underway in parallel with the RSU 34 planning and budgeting process for 2024-2025. For more information about how to provide input or be involved in the process, please contact Dr. Jon Doty (https://www.rsu34.org/page/superintendents-office)
7 months ago, Dr. Jon Doty
Good morning RSU #34! We’re pleased to continue sharing staff profiles of our RSU #34 team. This month we visited with Ann Richard, Kitchen Manager at Old Town High School. After several days of disruption in our community due to the big storm, students and staff are excited about the breakfast and lunch Ann and team are preparing today! Ann was interviewed by our Assistant Superintendent, Dr. Jon Doty. When you were a kid what did you think you wanted to be when you grew up? I always wanted to be a graphic artist. I didn’t know what it was, but I liked art! In high school I also wanted to design clothes. What was your favorite book as a kid? Favorite book / author now? There was a book series about nurses that I really liked. Now, I like mysteries. The Family Upstairs by Lisa Jewell is a favorite. What was your favorite show or movie as a kid? The Brady Bunch and The Munsters! What led to your career - you’ve worked with us for more than 30 years! Before I had kids I worked as a payroll clerk at the shoe shop. I chose to stay at home with the kids, and then I started to work at the schools so I could match up with their schedules, snow days, and vacations. I started with the schools as a substitute, and now I’m Kitchen Manager. I also coached middle school field hockey for a while with Deb Ziobron (rest in peace). What do you like about working in RSU #34? I’ve always liked cooking, and I really love the kids. I initially wasn’t excited about working with high school aged kids, but I love it. They’re mature, and I like talking to them…if they initially don’t want to talk, I consider it my challenge to get them to talk. What do you like about our community? This area is nice, safe, and friendly. There’s a great atmosphere and sense of community, with fun things to do in town. What’s something most people don’t know about you? My 2nd grade report card said “Ann tends to be a little bossy.” Also, I’m addicted to Dateline. That fits with reading mysteries! How do you recharge your batteries? I like being home with peace and quiet, reading a good book. Who was your favorite teacher? Miss Pliska - she read to us a lot in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. If you could time travel, where is the first time/place you would go? I’d spend time with my parents again. My dad is the person I look up to most in life. If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Pepperoni and onion pizza. If you could appear on any game show, what would it be? Wheel of Fortune Favorite treat? Trader Joe’s Peanut Butter Cups Would you rather come face-to-face with a polar bear in the arctic, or a snake in the desert? Polar bear. No question. Thanks, Ann, for your hard work for our schools! RSU #34 Community, if you’d like to suggest someone for a future staff profile please use this form: https://forms.gle/m9295zfr8xLTzNzRA
8 months ago, Dr. Jon Doty
Ann Richard at OTHS Coffee Bar
10/02/2023 Dear RSU #34 Families & Staff, Some of our families have received or will be receiving P-EBT cards (known as SNAP) from the State of Maine. We were not aware this was going to happen and received some questions today; we are passing along information that we have found.  The short version is that the state of Maine has changed how it gathers information about what percentage of students in communities would qualify for free and reduced-price lunch. These changes have resulted in widespread distribution of the cards in many communities. Here is a link to the state's website explaining eligibility for the program, and why you may have received these cards.   https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/ofi/programs-services/food-supplement#:~:text=To%20be%20eligible%20for%20this%20program%20individuals%20must%20meet%20the,19%20for%205%20consecutive%20days  There is a "Frequently Asked Questions" section on that website that includes information about other benefits, how to use the cards, and what to do with the cards if you do not wish to use them.  There is also an email address for Maine DHHS on that website if you have further questions.  If we learn of more important details we will send them out to families. Sincerely, Jon Doty, Assistant Superintendent
11 months ago, Dr. Jon Doty
Dear RSU #34 Community, Thanks for helping us have a great “launch” to the school year! It’s been great to see the smiling faces in the hallways, excited to be back in school despite the hot weather. Last year we began sharing a profile of a student each month; we are excited to begin sharing the stories of our colleagues! This month we visited with David May, who joined our team as a technician in the IT Department. David very much impressed his colleagues, and this past July began serving RSU #34 as Director of Information Technologies. David was interviewed by our Assistant Superintendent, Dr. Jon Doty. Q: When you were a kid what did you think you wanted to do when you grew up? A: I was going to be a professional athlete, playing soccer for Manchester United. All the way through high school I really thought I was going to make it. My real career path was a little different. In high school I pushed shopping carts, was a lifeguard, and mowed cemetery lawns. After high school I started off doing customer service for credit card companies, then shifted to Verizon Wireless. I changed over to tech support, and then started working at a computer repair shop where I started working more with businesses and device networking. I discovered that I really love computers and solving problems, and it doesn’t feel like work to me. I was ready for a new challenge and I was excited to join the schools’ IT Department. Q: What do you like about working in RSU #34? A: I love the people...I love the challenge. Everybody has fun, too. We’re all working hard, and sometimes it can be tough, but at the end of the day it’s all about getting students what they need and we all have fun together. I love coming in to work every day. Q: How do you recharge your batteries? A: Usually it’s either an HP 65-watt adapter or USB-C, but….wait….you mean….? Q: Yep. A: Playing video games and working out. Q: At the same time? Q: What was your favorite book as a kid? A: The DragonLance series; I still love the fantasy genre! Q: What was your favorite show / movie as a kid? A: Fresh Prince of Bel Air, and Return of the Jedi. Q: What do you like about our community? A: It’s the people, the sense of community, and events like RiverFest. I grew up in Old Town, and I love how close our community is. Our people are always caring and resilient….tough. We’ve been through a lot together over the years and we keep coming back. Q: What’s something that most people don’t know about you? A: I’m a pretty open book! That said, I don’t think most people know I was really into theatre at OTHS - the One Act Play and the Fall Play. Q: Who was your favorite school teacher and why? A: Mr. Marty Clark [OTHS Social Studies Teacher] - he really made learning fun! It was cool to start working alongside him before he retired. Q: Which colleague would you like by your side during a zombie apocalypse? A: Curtis Robertson. [LMS teacher] Q: Not me? A: No. Q: Wow, zero hesitation on that…OK, I would have guessed you’d go with a certain veteran of the U.S. Army Cavalry, Captain Mike May. OTHS Social Studies teacher? Your brother? A: Nope. When we were kids he broke a plate and I got blamed for it. Q: Little did he know that would someday cost him an ally in a zombie apocalypse. A: I could tell you about all the times I beat him at sports but I won’t. Q: What’s a small act of kindness you were once shown that you’ll never forget? A: That’s a tough one - there are a lot of acts of kindness I’ve been shown. People are so kind here and these acts happen every day. It’s hard to pick just one in this district. Wow….I’ll have to get back to you on that one. Thanks, David, for being part of our team and for your hard work! And thank you to Captain May and our other veterans for your service to our country! RSU #34 Community, if you’d like to suggest someone for a future staff profile please use this form: https://forms.gle/m9295zfr8xLTzNzRA
12 months ago, Dr. Jon Doty
David May
Students who live in Alton and West Old Town - our bus contractor is making some adjustments to routes; we will share more detailed information when it is finalized. Please plan to be out waiting for the bus extra early for the first few days as the routes settle into place. Thanks in advance for your patience!
almost 1 year ago, Dr. Jon Doty
RSU #34 is thrilled to share our back-to-school issue of Community Connections! Inside you will read about some of the great endeavors of our students and staff, along with important back-to-school info such as school start/end times and bus routes. Please help your kids to be on time every day this year! This issue is dedicated to the memory of our late Board member David Wollstadt, who contributed in many ways to the school district and community. Here's the link! https://5il.co/21o0w
about 1 year ago, Dr. Jon Doty
Community Connections cover August 2023
All of our librarian roles are filled for the upcoming school year, but we ARE still recruiting a few members to join our RSU #34 team! https://www.rsu34.org/page/employment-applications-and-vacancies You can get started on a career in education in one of several entry-level roles - we support college tuition so you can keep learning and growing, opening up future opportunities! We just added a grant-funded intervention teaching role as well, and seek an additional Special Education teacher to join our team and help reduce caseloads. Educational Technicians support our students in a variety of ways. We have a couple of coach openings for fall middle school athletics, and we always seek substitutes. Please visit and share our employment page! https://www.rsu34.org/page/employment-applications-and-vacancies
about 1 year ago, Dr. Jon Doty
Librarian Trap
RSU #34 is making a big email transition beginning at 3:30 Friday, June 16th. We anticipate that email will be down through the weekend, possibly also including the federal holiday on June 19th. Please continue to use our @rsu34.org addresses, but anticipate that your email will not be received until Tuesday. Thank you, happy last day of school, and have a fantastic weekend!
about 1 year ago, Dr. Jon Doty
Please remember to vote on Tuesday, 6/13/2023, in support of the RSU #34 school budget! Alton: we believe voting hours are 2 PM - 7 PM at the Town Office Bradley: per the website voting hours are 8 AM to 8 PM at the Fire Station Old Town: per the website voting hours are 7 AM to 8 PM at the Elks Lodge Thank you for your support of our students and schools!
about 1 year ago, Dr. Jon Doty
We're very proud of our World Cultures and Languages program in RSU #34 - our K-8 program was featured in the Educators for a MultiLingual Maine newsletter! You can read more here: https://5il.co/1w1kh
about 1 year ago, Dr. Jon Doty
Excerpt from EMME Newsletter
RSU #34 hosts the Eastern Maine Reading Recovery Site, providing teacher-leader services to more than 30 teachers across Eastern Maine in a fee-based partnership, including our teachers in Alton, Bradley, and Old Town. The Continuing Professional Development that Dr. Sharon Greaney provides to her teachers keeps honing their knowledge and skill so they can do best by their students who need and will benefit from this intensive literacy intervention. Today Dr. Greaney and the other teacher leaders in Maine are continuing their own development, with guest Dr. Betsy Kaye (Director of Reading Recovery at Texas Woman's University). In this picture, Viola Rand School's Reading Recovery teacher Mrs. Jen Dalessandro teaches a lesson "behind the glass" while the teacher leaders and Dr. Kaye observe and discuss strategies. After the lesson, Behind the Glass involves a debrief session with the teaching colleague to reflect on the strategies and decisions in the teaching session. It's amazing what these teachers fit into a half-hour session with a student!
over 1 year ago, Dr. Jon Doty
Behind the Glass
Our neighbors at Hirundo Wildlife Refuge have a great - and free - event scheduled for April 22nd - please see the QR code on this flyer to register!
over 1 year ago, Dr. Jon Doty
In 2018 through early 2019, a stakeholder group in RSU #34 led a community discussion about aspirations and opportunities for our community’s middle school students. This process included a community forum, community survey, and reporting to the School Board. This fall, RSU #34 is conducting a more compact process to confirm that these are still the priorities of our community. We will use this information to inform our planning/budgeting for future years, as well as to inform our applications for grant funds such as ESSER/ARP. We invite you to complete this brief survey, and/or to join us at an open discussion at Leonard Middle School on Monday, Oct. 24th, 5:30 - 6:30 PM. If you wish, please complete this survey by October 31st, 2022. https://forms.gle/kFYSYkuWgqCNjsuR8 If you would like to be more involved, please contact Dr. Gert Nesin, LMS Principal, at Gert.Nesin@rsu34.org !
almost 2 years ago, Dr. Jon Doty