Our phone system is not working this morning. You can call in, but will not be able to hear us talking. We will let you know when this issue has been resolved. Thank you for your patience.
about 5 years ago, Gert Nesin
Friday unified arts classes are electives for our students. Here you see some students enjoying robotics and indoor games. Maybe we should rename Friday to Fun Fridays.
about 5 years ago, David Crandall
Elective unified arts classes at LMS
Elective unified arts classes at LMS
Our fire alarm company is here testing alarms. There is NOT a fire or any emergency.
about 5 years ago, Gert Nesin
This link is our Maine Commissioner of Education Pender Makin's back to school welcome. The video you will shows some great musicians from LMS at the 58 second mark. https://maine.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a582edd6473e477ef6307c769&id=9e1ad4c1a6&e=86e6eca0a1
about 5 years ago, David Crandall
Today, 8/29, due to soggy fields there will be no LMS soccer or field hockey clinics today. Football chalk talk and the cross country clinic are still a go. Please pass this along to others as not all families are receiving notifications yet. Thank you!
about 5 years ago, LMS Athletics
RSU 34 New Staff
about 5 years ago, David Crandall
Please join me in wishing a warm welcome to the new staff in RSU 34.
LMS Staff—excited to start the year!
about 5 years ago, Gert Nesin
LMS 2019/20 Staff
Community members! Please go to the LMS community garden and pick the green beans. They are ready to go and there are many varieties. While you’re there, grab some herbs and some tomatoes.
about 5 years ago, Gert Nesin
The tomatoes are plentiful.
Walk right in!
Green beans, ready for picking and eating.
Green and lush!
LMS representing at Champion the Cure. Team RUSH raised over $8000 for local cancer support and research.
about 5 years ago, Gert Nesin
Standing under the finish line arch.
Our new bus schedule is out. At LMS, students may arrive at 8:00, they go to home rooms at 8:20, and we start at 8:30. Walkers and athletes will be dismissed at 3:05, followed by bussers. More details in Community Connections. https://5il.co/9hnk
about 5 years ago, Gert Nesin
New bus schedule!
The 23rd year of Old Town Summer Band Camp is underway!
about 5 years ago, Gert Nesin
A row of middle school trumpeters.
Here’s the crew! 114 students so far.
A huge THANK YOU to Dick Andren at Hirundo Wildlife Refuge for an amazing day of learning last week. We also appreciate the support from Jenn Goodwin, School Community Coordinator for RSU34, for organizing and planning our trip! Students enjoyed a program led by Dick on how human communities are like forest communities. We ended our visit with a fun scavenger hunt of items from the forest!
about 5 years ago, Gert Nesin
A visit to Hirundo
LMS summer school learners are becoming great caretakers of our school garden! Yesterday, we harvested basil, mint, garlic scapes, and rosemary. A few green beans right off the plant were a nice snack while we worked. We are learning about the unique smells of herbs, garden pests, and effective gardening techniques.
about 5 years ago, Gert Nesin
Examining our day’s harvest.
LMS Invention Convention finalists that participated in Big Gig, Jr. this spring were invited to make a guest appearance on Greenlight Maine! The episode was recorded at Husson University on Monday, July 15th, 2019 and is scheduled to air in September. Pictured from left to right are Zoe Yerxa, Jenelle Sanchez, and Brianna Engstrom, Leslie Poake (Junior Achievement of Maine Board Member), and Julene Gervais (Greenlight Maine Host).
about 5 years ago, David Crandall
LMS in the News
Thank you to Nicole Vachon from FAME (Finance Authority of Maine) for her awesome presentation about college and career readiness! Students learned about contests, scholarships, and savings accounts that they can be participating in right now as middle schoolers. Melissa (Lewis) Zabierek
about 5 years ago, David Crandall
Coyote U
LMS Athletic reminders: Fall Sports Sign-up Link: https://forms.gle/9YydhqGbGrMvm34s7 All forms can be found on our website under documents. Start dates are the following: Boys Soccer, Girls Soccer and Field Hockey (Clinics 8/20, 21, 22, 27, 28 ,29 from 4-5:30) Tryouts 9/4, 5, & 6 Cross Country (Clinics 8/20, 21, 22, 27, 28 ,29 from 3-4) Practice Starts 9/4 Football (Practice starts 8/19 3-4:45 @LMS)
about 5 years ago, LMS Athletics
OT Sports is happy to partner with NLAT and offer our student athletes in-house physicals on Aug. 14th from 8-12. Students will need a $10 dollar check made out to RSU34 & a parent/guardian if under the age of 18. This is offered to LMS & OTHS students. NLAT will provide all other needed paperwork. If interested, please come to the lobby area at OTHS.
about 5 years ago, LMS Athletics
LMS students from our summer Coyote U programs visited the Old Town Public Library, Old Town Fire Department, and Old Town Police Department this morning. Students had excellent questions and learned more about the history of our town. Thank you to Officer King, Deputy Chief Baker, Ms. Pool, and Mr. Lucas.
about 5 years ago, David Crandall
Coyote U Field Trip
Coyote U Field Trip
Coyote U Field Trip
Thank you, Hutchins Greenhouse for all these donated plants and flowers! And thank you, Mrs. O’Connell, for getting them and planting them.
about 5 years ago, Gert Nesin
A table full.
Shopping at Hutchins
Our newly planted garden.
Watch this song and video created by our Operation Breaking Stereotypes group, co-led by Mrs. O’Connell. https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=6JpZOK8K8_Y
about 5 years ago, Gert Nesin