Does your student play Fortnite? Here are some helpful tips on managing game time that are specific to the game that has swept the nation and seems to be consuming an awful lot of our students' attention these days.
almost 6 years ago, Craig Hanson
Builders club is collecting hats to donate to the Bangor Area Homeless Shelter and Old Town police department. Students made a colorful donation box that is outside the office. Please bring in new (scarfs and mittens accepted, too) or homemade hats by Friday, December 21st!
almost 6 years ago, Craig Hanson
Dear RSU 34 Families, This is a reminder that our Resource Center will be open to families on December 20th from 2:30-4:00, school vacation is the following week. We are stocked with toilet paper, paper towels, soups, snacks, pasta, cereal and more. Our Community Coordinator has made herself available for that day if you are unable to make the hours but could utilize the resource center to help over the vacation. Please reach Jennifer Goodwin @ 827-2508, to set something up. We will be open again on January 3rd from 2:30-4:00.
almost 6 years ago, Craig Hanson
Our 6th graders put on a play during Student-Led Conferences. We have some serious drama talent here at LMS! Looking forward to more productions ahead.
almost 6 years ago, Craig Hanson
6th play
Trimester 1 Report Cards will be sent home with students tomorrow, Friday, 12/7. You will see a lot of blank spaces on the report and that's because it is a complete report of all classes and standards that your student will experience this year. Standards that do not contain a score are those that will be taught and/or assessed later in the year. Here is a helpful guide to interpreting the report card.
almost 6 years ago, Craig Hanson
7th graders hone their public speaking skills with Mrs. Tuttle and Mr. McLaren.
almost 6 years ago, Craig Hanson
Great effort and energy yesterday from both basketball teams and cheerleaders in our home opener. All coaches were very proud of their teams! Go Coyotes!!!
almost 6 years ago, LMS Athletics
12/4 Game
12/4 Game
12/4 Game
12/4 Game
8th grade students wrote letters to experts inviting them to discuss issues that impact their generation. The University of Maine Climate Change Institute kindly accepted the invitation and shared information about their program and taught our students about climate change  
almost 6 years ago, David Crandall
Climate Change Institute
LMS Team RUSH hard at work on a Saturday morning selling tickets for raffle baskets. This project is to raise money for cancer research. The beautiful baskets are made by 8th grade students in art classes. We love to see our kids giving back!
almost 6 years ago, Craig Hanson
RUSH Raffle
Great concert last night and 1,202 items donated to the RSU 34 Resource Center
almost 6 years ago, David Crandall
The Fall LMS Chorus Concert
LMS Basketball gets things started today with games at the Cohen School. The girls game starts at 3:30 followed by the boys approximately 15 minutes after. Go Coyotes!!!
almost 6 years ago, LMS Athletics
Coyote Pride
Please join us at OTES this evening for our chorus concert. Our kids have been working hard and sound amazing. They have so much joy to share with you tonight!
almost 6 years ago, Craig Hanson
Students in the cooking elective have been busy making and baking in preparation for our Student-Led Conferences being held tonight! Come see their amazing work, watch a fun and quirky play, and enjoy a sweet snack provided by 6th grade! SLC's run from 3:30-6:30 this evening.
almost 6 years ago, Craig Hanson
baking elective
baking elective
baking elective
baking elective
Yesterday we held our staff v student badminton tournament. 8th grade students participated in a semifinal and then faced the returning staff champions. It was a challenging match up and in the end the staff prevailed. Kudos to all who participated, especially our second place student finishers Matthew Herrick and Davon Alston.
almost 6 years ago, Craig Hanson
Looking forward to seeing all of our students tomorrow as we return from the Thanksgiving Break. A group of 6th graders, led by Mrs. Murchison, has been doing random acts of kindness around the school with the message to "Be Kind Always". Let's expand those acts beyond the 6th grade hallway to our whole school!
almost 6 years ago, Craig Hanson
be kind
Today, November 20th, all after school activities are canceled due to weather, please drive careful.
almost 6 years ago, LMS Athletics
No school today, November 16th, due to inclement weather.
almost 6 years ago, Craig Hanson
Check out the most recent newsletter from our River Runners!
almost 6 years ago, Craig Hanson
Sign up for the PTA Mac’s Popcorn sales - Holiday Bazaar @ OTES Dec 1st.
almost 6 years ago, Craig Hanson
6th graders got to find out whether they have the genetic ability to taste PTC paper as they study inheritance and variation science standards.
almost 6 years ago, Craig Hanson
6th graders