Happy Spring from OTES! You can see some green coming up through the soil, the new seasonal poem is out front, and our maple trees are tapped and producing pails of sap!
over 1 year ago, Maggie Mitchell
students stand by a tapped maple tree and a maple syrup Classroom sign
student helps and adult tap a mole tree with a drill
student peers into a bucket collecting maple sap
garden soil, with green tips sprouting and spring poem in a stand
The focus of our 4th grade social studies (and beyond) curriculum is the State of Maine. On Wednesday, these classes celebrated Maine's 203rd birthday by dressing up in Maine themed outfits, enjoying whoopie pies, meeting Box of Maine founder and owner Dan Finnemore, and much more. We have partnered with Box of Maine have monthly deliveries of Maine products to enhance our students' learning. What a fun day! Happy Birthday Maine!
over 1 year ago, Maggie Mitchell
4th graders dressed in Maine themed outfits
Box of Maine boxes, moose and lobster stuffies, and whoopie pies
4th graders listening to Box of Maine owner Dan Finnemore
A reminder that there is no school tomorrow, Friday March 17th due to a staff in-service day. We will see you back here on Monday at 7:25am!
over 1 year ago, Maggie Mitchell
Green chalkboard that says in white NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
World Down Syndrome Day is March 21st. The purpose of this day is to create public awareness of Down Syndrome. We celebrate this day on the 21st day of the third month to represent the triplication or trisomy or the 21st chromosome. This year, the RSU #34 Civil Rights Team will be participating in the Lots of Socks Campaign to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day. It is the mission of the Civil Rights Team to decrease non-biased behaviors and create an environment where all people feel safe, welcome and respected. Please join us on Tuesday, March 21st for the #LotsOfSocks campaign. All you need to do is choose some socks that are going to get noticed - they might be mismatched socks or your craziest and most colorful socks, whatever takes your fancy!
over 1 year ago, Maggie Mitchell
Lots of Socks in different fonts and colors, Celebrating World Down Syndrome Day 21st March with multicolored socks above the words
This month's RSU #34 districtwide spirit day is a Hat Day on Friday, March 24th. Wear a hat and donate to North Florida Rescue of Maine, a dog rescue organization.
over 1 year ago, Maggie Mitchell
RSU #34 Hat Day flier
The RSU #34 Resource Center, located at OTES, is open tomorrow, Thursday, March 15th from 2:30-4:00pm. The RSU #34 Resource Center is open to all district families in need of food or basic household supplies. The Center is located at OTES and is open on the first and third Thursday of each month from 2:30-4:00 pm. If you have questions or an emergency food insecurity outside these dates, please contact our School Community Coordinator Jenn Goodwin at 207-370-8564 or jennifer.goodwin@rsu34.org.
over 1 year ago, Maggie Mitchell
Now Open! RSU#34 Resource Center Something for Everyone with heart and hands logo
The OTES Library Book Fair is coming soon! The Book Fair will be set up from Monday, March 20 through Friday, March 24th, 7:00am-3:00pm daily. New this year, we will also host a special shopping event on the morning of Saturday, March 25th from 9:00am-12:00pm. Students will visit the Book Fair during their library time at school and shopping will be open before and after school for families to accompany their student or to shop without them. We are in need of support for two hour shifts during the school day or you can support by donating breakfast/snack items for the Saturday event. Click the link to sign-up to volunteer for our Book Fair and Book Fair Parent Event. https://signup.com/go/VoQxfWJ . See the OTES Family Update for details. Thank you for your support of our Library Book Fair!
over 1 year ago, Maggie Mitchell
Scholastic Book Fair with stacks of books below
RSU #34 (Alton, Bradley, Old Town) will have a 2-hour delay tomorrow, Wednesday, March 15. All scheduled bus runs and start times are delayed 2 hours. OTES will open its doors at 9:25 and arrival after 9:50 will be considered tardy. Morning pre-k at OTES is cancelled.
over 1 year ago, Maggie Mitchell
delayed opening in white with blue background and white snowflakes
Check out the Winter 2023 Art Newsletter! 🎨
over 1 year ago, Maggie Mitchell
OTES Winter 2023 Art Newsletter
We have some extra copies of Jarrett Lerner books for sale! If you wish to purchase a book to have signed on Thursday when Jarrett Lerner visits, email Michelle.Reesman@rsu34.org to secure your copy and send check (OTES) or cash into the library! Geeger the Robot books-$6, Enginerds-$8, Give the Book activity books $14, Hunger Heroes-$8
over 1 year ago, Maggie Mitchell
Jarrett Lerner books
Jarrett Lerner books
Jarrett Lerner books
Jarrett Lerner books
All RSU #34 schools will be dismissing 2 hours early tomorrow, Tuesday, March 14. All end of day dismissal procedures will shift up by 2 hours. This means that OTES will dismiss at 12:15. There I'll be no afternoon pre-k. If this early dismissal changes your student’s dismissal plan, please contact their teacher as early as possible. Please remember that if you choose to not send your student to school due to weather, you need to call in to report them absent at 207-827-1544 or email their teacher. Thank you!
over 1 year ago, Maggie Mitchell
inclement weather early dismissal in red with frost crystal background
Shared from our community: FREE COMMUNITY SUPPER TO GO Friday, March 31st 5:00 PM Old Town United Methodist Church 726 Stillwater Avenue, Old Town Enjoy homemade baked ziti, coleslaw, garlic bread and dessert. All are welcome! FREE
over 1 year ago, Maggie Mitchell
free community supper flier
Book Character Day is TOMORROW, Friday, March 10th! We love to read at OTES and Book Character Day has become an annual favorite. Pick out a favorite book, plan your costume, and walk the red carpet during the school day on Friday, March 10th. Costumes do not need to be elaborate. The only rules are that the costume must be school appropriate and to have fun!
over 1 year ago, Maggie Mitchell
Book Character Day is Coming! flier with images of students dressed up like book characters
Fifth grader Spencer dressed up like the President of the United States on Tuesday, which just happened to be his art day. He spent his time in the art studio drawing the presidential seal to complete his outfit.
over 1 year ago, Maggie Mitchell
5th grader wearing a black suit with a white shirt and red tie holds a Presidential Seal he created
The OTES Library Book Fair is coming soon! The Book Fair will be set up from Monday, March 20 through Friday, March 24th, 7:00am-3:00pm daily. New this year, we will also host a special parent shopping event on the morning of Saturday, March 25th from 9:00am-12:00pm. Students will visit the Book Fair during their library time at school and shopping will be open before and after school for families to accompany their student or to shop without them. We are in need of support for two hour shifts during the school day or you can support by donating breakfast/snack items for the Saturday event. Click the link to sign-up to volunteer for our Book Fair and Book Fair Parent Event. https://signup.com/go/VoQxfWJ . See the email from OTES for details. Thank you for your support of our Library Book Fair!
over 1 year ago, Maggie Mitchell
SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR on background of book spines
What a fun Read Across America Day! Thank you to all of our guest readers! Enjoy some time reading to or with those you love today!
over 1 year ago, Maggie Mitchell
library media specialist reading to students
superintendent reading to students
students reading to a group of younger students
students reading to a younger group of students
principal reading to students
student reading to a group of younger students
middle school librarian reading to students
students reading to a group of younger students
middle school principal reading to younger students
student reading to his classmates
OTES after school activities will go on as scheduled today, Thursday, March 2nd. Bussing is still be available for those students who use it. If you wish for your student not to attend, please notify their classroom teacher AND the office at 207-827-1544 or deb.letourneau@rsu34.org ASAP. The RSU #34 Resource Center will be open until 3:15pm.
over 1 year ago, Maggie Mitchell
After school activities with blue and pink triangles in the background
Today's featured artist is second grader, John. He built The White House out of recycled cardboard and wire. He wants you to know that he worked really hard building it and it took him a long time to finish.
over 1 year ago, Maggie Mitchell
Second grader holding cardboard and wire sculpture of the White House and trees
Here is the OTES lunch menu for March
over 1 year ago, Maggie Mitchell
OTES March lunch menu
The RSU #34 Resource Center, located at OTES, is open tomorrow, Thursday, March 2nd from 2:30-4:00pm. The RSU #34 Resource Center is open to all district families in need of food or basic household supplies. The Center is located at OTES and is open on the first and third Thursday of each month from 2:30-4:00 pm. If you have questions or an emergency food insecurity outside these dates, please contact our School Community Coordinator Jenn Goodwin at 207-370-8564 or jennifer.goodwin@rsu34.org.
over 1 year ago, Maggie Mitchell
RSU #34 Resource Center: Something for Everyone, Now Open! Hands logo with heart in the middle