Families with children birth to five, check out this free book offering from Dolly Parton's Imagination Library of Maine! https://imaginationlibrary.com/check-availability/
6 months ago, Maggie Mitchell
OTES Civil Rights Team rocks! We continue to work hard to have people feel safe, welcome and respected.
6 months ago, Maggie Mitchell
OTES Civil Rights Team bulletin board with student pictures and speech bubbles with their reason for joining
student picture with “I want to teach children to speak kindly to each other"
student pictures with “Because I want to make the world a better place” and “School is supposed to make people feel welcome and not excluded"
student picture with “I wanted to be in CRT because I want everyone to be welcome. I also want kindness in the world."
student pictures with various reasons why they joined CRT
student picture with “I am on CRT because I know how it feels to be scared of a new place, so I want to help people to feel comfortable"
Join us this Wednesday, February 7th at 6:00pm in the OTES Library or via Google Meet. We will discuss Parent's Night Out, our outdoor inclusive space fundraisers, solar eclipse day, teacher appreciation, and other updates. The meeting link, agenda, and minutes for the year can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T4kY6q6J1AokCdPWNncHlmRgqQr789JDxXiI6D1h8K4/edit
6 months ago, Maggie Mitchell
PARENT TEACHER CLUB in white in dark green circle with lighter green background
In honor of Groundhog Day, the fourth graders struck a groundhog day pose during our yoga mindfulness practice in classroom guidance time.
6 months ago, Maggie Mitchell
4th graders do their best groundhog themed yoga pose
4th graders do their best groundhog themed yoga pose
4th graders do their best groundhog themed yoga pose
4th graders do their best groundhog themed yoga pose
What do you predict will happen tomorrow?
6 months ago, Maggie Mitchell
2nd grade girl stands in front of a display asking if the groundhog will see its shadow
Don't forget to wear your flannel tomorrow, January 26th. It's a district Spirit Day and we are collecting $1.00 for our selected Charity, NFR
6 months ago, Dr. Jeanna Tuell
Spirit Day
Join Mrs. Wilcox and Mrs. Lunn in person or remotely starting this Thursday, January 25th for a book talk around the text Good Inside. Check out an audio preview here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3hUOc8IbONAets6Pxc3A8D?si=F1g2IgvrTwG1I-Y-eM53LQ We plan 3 evening chat in-person and via Zoom: Thursday, January 25th 6-7 pm to cover Part 1… Parenting Principles Chapters 1-10, Thursday, February 29th 6-7 pm to cover Part 2 Connection and Addressing Behaviors Chapter 11-18, and Thursday, March 29th 6-7 pm will cover Part 3 continued Behaviors Chapters 19-end Please email Mrs. Lunn (trysha.lunn@rsu34.org) or Mrs. Wilcox (vicki.wilcox@rsu34.org) to let them know you want to be included and get a copy of the book.
6 months ago, Maggie Mitchell
Good Inside by Dr. Becky Kennedy image of book cover
Gracias Señora LePard for sharing the great things happening in our Spanish program! Her article was recently published in the Educators for a Multilingual Maine newsletter. It will also be published in our upcoming district newsletter, Community Connections.
6 months ago, Maggie Mitchell
EMME newsletter page 16 with article about Spanish at OTES
Looking back at this past fall in the art studio, fifth graders learned more about puppetry and created their own rod and arm puppets.
6 months ago, Maggie Mitchell
three 5th grade boys show off puppets they created in art class
The art studio is looking for donations of recycled materials and craft supplies. We are especially in need of cardboard tubes, corks, and plastic bottle caps of all sizes. Please make sure all plastics are cleaned. Donations can be dropped off anytime during the school day. Thank you in advance for your support of the arts!
6 months ago, Maggie Mitchell
images with labels of recycled items for the art room
From Mrs. Marquis: I had the privilege to have Nora spend the entire day with me in the music room and she got to play her flute the entire day! (…other than our snack and lunch time…and a math test 😁). She was the online auction winner for “spend a day with the music teacher”, and boy was she happy 🥰🎶
6 months ago, Maggie Mitchell
female music teacher and female student smile in a close up together
music student sits at her teacher’s desk having a snack
Join our school counselors for a great book talk around this parenting text, plus, get your own copy!
6 months ago, Maggie Mitchell
Good Inside book group flyer
Mrs. Keane's second graders are published authors! They worked very hard to research, draft, edit, revise, illustrate, and publish their Pollinator Protectors ABC book as a part of their pollinators unit of study. They visited our Learning Garden, Rogers Farm at UMaine, raised monarch caterpillars, and so much more to inform themselves about pollinators. Their work was worthy of a celebration!
7 months ago, Maggie Mitchell
student stands in front of purple background that says "Published Authors" with a copy of the book cover "Pollinator Protectors ABC" holding a certificate and published author prop
student stands in front of purple background that says "Published Authors" with a copy of the book cover "Pollinator Protectors ABC" holding a certificate and published author prop
student stands in front of purple background that says "Published Authors" with a copy of the book cover "Pollinator Protectors ABC" holding a certificate and published author prop
student stands in front of purple background that says "Published Authors" with a copy of the book cover "Pollinator Protectors ABC" holding a certificate and published author prop
student stands in front of purple background that says "Published Authors" with a copy of the book cover "Pollinator Protectors ABC" holding a certificate and published author prop
student stands in front of purple background that says "Published Authors" with a copy of the book cover "Pollinator Protectors ABC" holding a certificate and published author prop
student stands in front of purple background that says "Published Authors" with a copy of the book cover "Pollinator Protectors ABC" holding a certificate and published author prop
student stands in front of purple background that says "Published Authors" with a copy of the book cover "Pollinator Protectors ABC" holding a certificate and published author prop
student stands in front of purple background that says "Published Authors" with a copy of the book cover "Pollinator Protectors ABC" holding a certificate and published author prop
student stands in front of purple background that says "Published Authors" with a copy of the book cover "Pollinator Protectors ABC" holding a certificate and published author prop
Our 4th grade's "Box of Maine" program was featured in a statewide press release today - thanks to Mr. Rand and the 4th Grade Team, the PTC, and the Box of Maine Company for making this happen! https://mainedoenews.net/2023/12/21/box-of-maine-connects-old-town-elementary-student-with-maine-studies-curriculum-through-their-taste-buds/
7 months ago, Dr. Jon Doty
Good morning RSU #34! We’re pleased to continue sharing staff profiles of our RSU #34 team. This month we visited with Ann Richard, Kitchen Manager at Old Town High School. After several days of disruption in our community due to the big storm, students and staff are excited about the breakfast and lunch Ann and team are preparing today! Ann was interviewed by our Assistant Superintendent, Dr. Jon Doty. When you were a kid what did you think you wanted to be when you grew up? I always wanted to be a graphic artist. I didn’t know what it was, but I liked art! In high school I also wanted to design clothes. What was your favorite book as a kid? Favorite book / author now? There was a book series about nurses that I really liked. Now, I like mysteries. The Family Upstairs by Lisa Jewell is a favorite. What was your favorite show or movie as a kid? The Brady Bunch and The Munsters! What led to your career - you’ve worked with us for more than 30 years! Before I had kids I worked as a payroll clerk at the shoe shop. I chose to stay at home with the kids, and then I started to work at the schools so I could match up with their schedules, snow days, and vacations. I started with the schools as a substitute, and now I’m Kitchen Manager. I also coached middle school field hockey for a while with Deb Ziobron (rest in peace). What do you like about working in RSU #34? I’ve always liked cooking, and I really love the kids. I initially wasn’t excited about working with high school aged kids, but I love it. They’re mature, and I like talking to them…if they initially don’t want to talk, I consider it my challenge to get them to talk. What do you like about our community? This area is nice, safe, and friendly. There’s a great atmosphere and sense of community, with fun things to do in town. What’s something most people don’t know about you? My 2nd grade report card said “Ann tends to be a little bossy.” Also, I’m addicted to Dateline. That fits with reading mysteries! How do you recharge your batteries? I like being home with peace and quiet, reading a good book. Who was your favorite teacher? Miss Pliska - she read to us a lot in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. If you could time travel, where is the first time/place you would go? I’d spend time with my parents again. My dad is the person I look up to most in life. If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Pepperoni and onion pizza. If you could appear on any game show, what would it be? Wheel of Fortune Favorite treat? Trader Joe’s Peanut Butter Cups Would you rather come face-to-face with a polar bear in the arctic, or a snake in the desert? Polar bear. No question. Thanks, Ann, for your hard work for our schools! RSU #34 Community, if you’d like to suggest someone for a future staff profile please use this form: https://forms.gle/m9295zfr8xLTzNzRA
7 months ago, Dr. Jon Doty
Ann Richard at OTHS Coffee Bar
Congratulations to the four Book Fair raffle winners! Thank you to all who supported our successful Book Fair! We earned over $3,000 to purchase books for our library and vending machine! Happy Reading!
8 months ago, Maggie Mitchell
student poses with Lilo and Stitch book and poster
young girl poses with Elephant and Piggie prize pack including books and stuffed animals
young boy poses with video game themed prizes of posters and a book
young girl poses with Harry Potter themed prize pack of books and activities
Check out this upcoming art exhibit by former OTES and RSU #34 art teacher, Pam Dunphy!
8 months ago, Maggie Mitchell
Paintings by Pam Dunphy Art Exhibit Opening Reception flyer
Our school counselors have exciting news to share! Mrs. Lunn and Mrs. Wilcox have created a webpage with lots of family resources and a suggestion box. The site is linked to our OTES page at rsu34.org or directly here: https://sites.google.com/rsu34.k12.me.us/rsu34-library/counselors-classroom?authuser=0 They will also be hosting a Book Talk about the text Good Inside: A Guide to Becoming The Parent You Want to Be. Books are available for all families interested and three sessions will be held with the choice of being in person or via Zoom. See the image for details and reach out to vicki.wilcox@rsu34.org or trysha.lunn@rsu34.org to be included.
8 months ago, Maggie Mitchell
Flyer for Good Inside Book talk
Screenshot of Counselor's Classroom webpage
The Online Auction begins NOW! Get some holiday shopping done and support OTES during our 10th Annual Online Auction! Items are open for the public to bid on, so please feel free to share this event with friends and family as well! Join us virtually for our 10th Annual OTES Online Auction. This annual event benefits our PTC and therefore our students. There are many items up for auction including products and services from local vendors and businesses, handmade crafts, rock star parking spaces, reserved concert seating, lunch with Dr. Tuell and Mrs. Mitchell, lots of gift certificates, tickets to local entertainment, the always popular classroom art, and many more items to complete your holiday shopping. There is something for everyone so bid fast and bid often! The auction will start on Monday 11/27/23 at 5:00 am and end promptly on Friday 12/1/23 at 8:00 pm. Items won can be claimed and paid for at our OTES Holiday Bazaar on Saturday 12/2/23 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. Items will be updated regularly until our event goes live on November 27th! Auction link -- https://www.32auctions.com/OTESOnlineauction2023
8 months ago, Maggie Mitchell
Old Town Elementary School 10th Annual Online Auction
The Mini Book Fair is Coming! Here’s what you need to know! The Mini Book Fair will take place Monday, November 27th through Saturday, December 2nd. From November 27th to December 1st, students and families can shop before and after school 7-8am and 2-3pm. Then the Book Fair will be set up at the OTES Bazaar on Saturday, December 12th from 9am-2pm in the gym for your holiday shopping needs! Visit our Book Fair homepage to learn more and get started with eWallet and online shopping. Online shopping starts on 11/27. https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/oldtownelementaryschool3
8 months ago, Maggie Mitchell
Scholastic Book Fair in red with stacks of multicolor books below and a yellow border
Green background with Captain Underpants flying through the corner and yellow shapes around the text Set up your eWallet now!