Lost and Found is overflowing already! Take a look and have your student ask permission to go get their item. You can also email their teacher to help remind them.
10 months ago, Maggie Mitchell
full lost and found table
full lost and found table
full list and found table
coat hooks full of lost and found
Thank you to our PTC for purchasing these parent resources! OTES school counselors, Mrs. Lunn and Mrs. Wilcox, will have them available as needed for families to sign out. Please feel free to reach out via phone or email. Mrs. Lunn and Mrs. Wilcox are also working on adding a tab/link to Mrs. Reesman’s library page, https://sites.google.com/rsu34.k12.me.us/rsu34-library/home with links to parenting resources. Finally, be on the lookout for a parent Book Talk about Good Inside by Dr. Becky Kennedy coming in January!
11 months ago, Maggie Mitchell
Various parent resource books on emotional regulation spread on a table
These fourth graders are practicing their fluency with fun reader's theater scripts. Reader's theater is a small play which students practice, but don't memorize, in order to read with accuracy, appropriate speed, and expression to build a better understanding of what is being read. These skills then carry over to other reading as well.
11 months ago, Maggie Mitchell
Two fourth grade girls sitting on stools in a classroom reading reader's theater scripts
Two fourth graders sitting at a table in a classroom reading reader's theater scripts
Two fourth grade girls standing in a classroom reading from reader's theater scripts
Shared from our community: Husson Occupational Therapy students are hosting a sensory friendly trick or treat next week on October 26th.
11 months ago, Maggie Mitchell
Husson Sensory Friendly Trunk or Treat flyer
Hope you will join in for our District Spirit Day on October 27th! We will all be wearing PINK in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness. A $1.00 donation can be made here at OTES and the proceeds will go to the Layfette Center.
11 months ago, Dr. Jeanna Tuell
Shared from our community: Check out this event to support our local food cupboard. Tonight, Monday, October 16th at Governor's.
11 months ago, Maggie Mitchell
Governor’s World Hunger Day flyer
Shared from our community: Here are a few area Trunk or Treats!
11 months ago, Maggie Mitchell
LMS Trunk or Treat flyer
Boy Scouts Trunk or Treat flyer
Anah Shrine Trunk or Treat flyer
Do you need a pumpkin for the book character pumpkin decorating contest? UMaine's farm donated these beautiful pumpkins today. Come grab one for free, decorate it with your student, and bring it into school no later than this Monday, October 16th!
11 months ago, Maggie Mitchell
Book Character Pumpkin Contest Flyer
various pumpkins lined up by the OTES Learning Garden fence
The OTES Civil Rights Club has stated for this school year. The 4th and 5th grade group is 75 students strong! Their mission is to make sure everyone feels SAFE, WELCOME and RESPECTED at OTES.
11 months ago, Maggie Mitchell
a rainbow painted buddy bench that has these words on the back, “OTES Civil Rights Team says all are welcome"
A favorite fall OTES tradition is back! Decorate a pumpkin as a favorite book character with your student and drop it off at school on or before October 16th. Pumpkins will be displayed in the library and all students will vote for their favorites! Prizes will be awarded.
11 months ago, Maggie Mitchell
book character pumpkin decorating flyer
Information on the P-EBT cards you may have received recently in the mail can be found here: https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/ofi/programs-services/food-supplement
11 months ago, Maggie Mitchell
OTES fundraisers are due tomorrow, Wednesday, October 4th. Please send completed paper order forms and payments in with your student or drop them off in the office. Thank you for supporting OTES!
11 months ago, Maggie Mitchell
Image of OTES fundraiser packet envelope
Red background with white circle, text says ORDERS DUE TOMORROW!
10/02/2023 Dear RSU #34 Families & Staff, Some of our families have received or will be receiving P-EBT cards (known as SNAP) from the State of Maine. We were not aware this was going to happen and received some questions today; we are passing along information that we have found.  The short version is that the state of Maine has changed how it gathers information about what percentage of students in communities would qualify for free and reduced-price lunch. These changes have resulted in widespread distribution of the cards in many communities. Here is a link to the state's website explaining eligibility for the program, and why you may have received these cards.   https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/ofi/programs-services/food-supplement#:~:text=To%20be%20eligible%20for%20this%20program%20individuals%20must%20meet%20the,19%20for%205%20consecutive%20days  There is a "Frequently Asked Questions" section on that website that includes information about other benefits, how to use the cards, and what to do with the cards if you do not wish to use them.  There is also an email address for Maine DHHS on that website if you have further questions.  If we learn of more important details we will send them out to families. Sincerely, Jon Doty, Assistant Superintendent
11 months ago, Dr. Jon Doty
Shared from our community: free supper next Friday, September 29th
12 months ago, Maggie Mitchell
Community supper flier
Wear your Old Town Pride Swag on September 22.
12 months ago, Dr. Jeanna Tuell
GREAT turn out tonight for our first PTC meeting of the school year. If you were unable to attend the meeting, here are the minutes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T4kY6q6J1AokCdPWNncHlmRgqQr789JDxXiI6D1h8K4/edit?usp=sharing We'd love to see you at next month's meeting on October 4, 2023
12 months ago, Dr. Jeanna Tuell
While we don't miss the heat, we miss the sunshine! Last week our second graders kicked off their annual "Pollinator Protectors" theme by painting in the butterfly garden.
12 months ago, Maggie Mitchell
three students paint on paper in a pollinator garden on a beautiful blue sky day
Jasper was the first student this school year to earn a token for the book vending machine for outstanding behavior in the library! He even cut the ribbon!
12 months ago, Maggie Mitchell
young boy puts a token into a book vending machine
young boy cuts a yellow ribbon wrapped around a book vending machine
a young boy holding up a butterfly book he chose from a book vending machine
We are hoping many parents and staff members can join us for our first PTC meeting of the school year on September 13, 2023, at 6 p.m. in the OTES library. Here's the link to the agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T4kY6q6J1AokCdPWNncHlmRgqQr789JDxXiI6D1h8K4/edit?usp=sharing
12 months ago, Dr. Jeanna Tuell
We had a great first day and week at OTES. Check out these smiling faces!
12 months ago, Maggie Mitchell
third grade girl stands with wing background saying “welcome to third grade"
4th grade girl smiles next to first day of school sign
boy smiles holding birthday frame around his face
4th grade boysmiles next to first day of school sign
third grade girl stands with wing background saying “welcome to third grade”
third grade girl stands with wing background saying “welcome to third grade”
student holding first day or fourth grade sign standing in a garden
student holding first day or fourth grade sign standing in a garden