Weekly Update

December 6, 2021

Most of this update is a review.  We hope you all are having a great week.


For the last couple of days, we have had a run on losing power during the day.  Tomorrow, winds are predicted to be in the 35-40 mph range, so it would not surprise me if we lost power again.  Please know that when this happens, our phones go down.

If you have a message that is an emergency during one of these times, please email one of our administrators - we will get back to you.  Fingers crossed that this is not an issue that we deal with all year long.

New Class 

History through the eyes of the individual   (0.5 credit   Grades 10 – 12)

This semester-long course will examine the role of an individual in history. The class will cover major topics/events of the 20th century and the role of the individual within these events. Topics may include but are not limited to WWI, The Great Depression, WWII, Decolonization, The Red Scare, and the social movements of the late 20th century. The idea of legacy and narrative will be examined and if, in fact, one person can have a profound impact on history.

Mrs. Turner will teach this class starting in January during B and H classes.  Please email Mrs. Amy Ketch to add this class.  

Semester 2 Schedule Changes

We will do schedule changes for the second semester starting in January.  We will have more specific dates/times as we get closer.  

Credit Only

Students will be held accountable for their unexcused absences accumulated during the second quarter.  Students who accumulate 10 or more unexcused absences and are passing the class will lose their number grade and have it replaced with a CO (credit only).  This will factor 70% to their GPA.  Students can earn back their letter grades by making up seat time outside of their school day.  This can be arranged with the class teacher or another staff member.  Students must be doing school work during this time in order to count.

Math Lab Update

There has been a high volume of students looking to get help during the math lab time.  We have expanded the support 2 nights per week - Tuesday and Thursday from 3 to 7.  The support can be in person or virtual.  Students must email by 3 pm on the day they need the support.  Students can email mathhelp@hs.rsu34.k12.me.us from their hs google account to make arrangements. 

Pooled Testing 

We currently have over 300 students involved in pooled testing.  If you would like your student to be involved - you can still sign up at any point.

To sign up for Pool Testing: 

To sign-up a minor child - here is the link:


If you are 18 or older and sign up yourself:


Access Code:  X67ZUZ (This is a code for OTHS only - each of the schools in RSU34 have their own code.

Early Morning

As colder weather and eventually snow approaches, we are looking at a plan to have students come into the building early - if they absolutely must be at school prior to the 8:10 time that we have been opening the building.

If your student walks or drives and does not NEED to be here prior to 8:10 in the morning, please have them arrive in the 8:10-8:25 am window.  That is the period of time when the majority of our staff has arrived and we can most easily accommodate the supervision of our students in the hallways and in some classrooms.

Excusing Absences

Just a reminder that when you call your student as absent, we do need a reason to excuse that absence.  There are 5 approved reasons 

  1. Illness

  2. Medical Appointments

  3. Observance of Religious holiday

  4. Family Emergency

  5. Planned absences with prior approval (ie family trip)

Messages that are left without a reason will be counted as unexcused.  Extended illness may require a doctor’s note to excuse.  

Early College Classes

The area colleges have started their enrollment process for HS students to take classes.  Please reach out to your school counselor for more information.

Attendance/Automated Attendance Phone Calls - updated

We have started sending out automated calls for any student who has an unexcused absence during periods 1 or 2 that day.  It serves as a reminder for students who are home sick, for parents to call in to excuse their absence but also notifies parents if a student has missed a class during periods 1 and/or period 2.  The call will go out around 10:45 each morning.  If you have any questions or need to excuse a student's absence, please contact Carrie Madden, at carrie.madden@rsu34.org or 827-3910 ext 2306.  

OTHS  Yearbook

The 2022 OTHS Yearbook is now on sale! 

The cost is $60.

To purchase:    http://jostensyearbooks.com?ref=A03269000

Financial Aid Help for Senior families

Help is available for students and families completing the FAFSA.  Meredith Lee can help walk you through all the parts of the FAFSA.  

Before setting up an appointment make sure that you:

  1. Have set up your FSA-ID.  Students and parents need to have their own FSA-ID (https://fsaid.ed.gov/npas/index.htm?appid=HRSA_BMISS_PRD

  2. Have access to tax return from 2020.  (Meredith can assist if needed)

To set up an appointment with Meredith - reach out to the guidance office at the high school.  827-3910 x2114 or email sue.stlouis@rsu34.org .  Meredith has evening appointments available as well as some daytime ones.  


Masking Update and Expectations

The RSU 34 School Board is requiring all staff and students to wear a mask while in school until further notice. To maintain the safety of all school personnel, students, and our community, we ask that students wear masks to school, wear masks appropriately (over the mouth and nose) while attending school, and respect the expectation that has been asked of us as a school community. OTHS administration has put in place a three-strike system to support the expectation of proper mask-wearing: 1 - conversation and a reminder to the student 2 - conversation and call home to the parent/guardian to reinforce the expectation 3 - Administration Dismissal for improper mask-wearing. We are in this together and the best way to move in a direction that does not require masks or whole-school shut down is to practice responsible mask-wearing.

  • Update - our students are doing an incredible job with this request!  Thank you so much for your support!

If you have any questions, please reach out to us.

Thank you for all of your support.  

We are doing the best that we can for our kids!

Scott Gordon

Amy Ketch 

Jeremy Bousquet