Tuesday, April 26, 2022
Doors Opening
Beginning May 2nd, we will be moving our time back to 8:00 to open the front doors. Students who chose to come in at this time will report to the cafeteria until 8:10, when the rest of the building opens up.
Just a reminder that students who have a high number of unexcused absences during this semester could potentially earn a CO (Credit Only). If your student has 9 or more unexcused absences in any class (cumulative quarters 3 and 4), please have them reach out to their school counselor.
Spring Assessments
Starting in May, all students in grades 9 to 11 will take the NWEA assessment in English, Math, and Social Studies classes. These are required assessments by the State of Maine. In addition, all juniors will take the Science Assessment on May 24, 25, & 26 during period 2.
Spring Sports Schedules:
For the most up to date information, changes, and season schedules - please follow us in our social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and of course our school app/website -
Here is the link to our schedules online - Schedule Link
If you do not already have it, remember our RSU 34 app
Found in the app store for Android or Apple
Other Illness
While we’re emerging from the Omicron surge, and seeing fewer COVID cases in RSU #34, we are seeing increases in other viral illnesses. We want to keep our kids healthy and learning in school. Please remember to keep your child home when they’re sick, and if they have a fever to keep them home for 24 hours after the fever ends (without the use of fever-reducing medications).
Please remember to do the daily screening for COVID symptoms before your child gets on the bus or goes to school: link
If you do a home COVID test for one of our students, please include a picture of the test when you communicate with your school nurse
Prom 2022
Prom tickets will be on sale during lunches starting Wednesday, April 27th during lunches. Tickets are $25 per person. Juniors and seniors who are bringing students from outside of OTHS need to complete a guest pass before tickets can be purchased. All guest passes must be turned in no later than May 12th.
Senior Parents & Students
Yearbook is now offering ads for Senior Parents. If you order online the costs range from $80 to $300 and are available through Josten's website. If you don’t want to use the website, you can email Mrs. Turner for more information. christina.turner@rsu34.org .
The last day to submit an ad is May 12, 2022.
Senior Slideshow - as many of you may know during Graduation and/or Awards Night there is a Senior Slideshow that has been played. There has been a continuous trend year after year where less and less parents and students send in photos for this slideshow. Due to this, something that is supposed to highlight an entire group of graduates ends up highlighting a small group of certain students. Christina Turner is ready for you to send in photos for the senior slideshow. She will be collecting them until May 1st. If at this time we do not have seventy percent of the senior class represented in the slideshow we will not be having one this year. We apologize in advance if this happens, however, please use the next few months as an opportunity to encourage students and their parents to submit photos.
OTHS Yearbook
The 2022 OTHS Yearbook is now on sale!
The cost is $80
To purchase: http://jostensyearbooks.com?ref=A03269000
If you have any questions, please reach out to us.
Thank you for all of your support.
Scott Gordon
Amy Ketch
Jeremy Bousquet