Monday, May 23, 2022
Spring Assessments
This week is the Science Assessment for all juniors. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday during period 2 juniors will be taking the assessments. All juniors are required to be present during testing regardless of their schedule each day. Testing rooms will be posted in the lobby and all juniors should bring their laptops and chargers with them.
Senior Parents
Class Dues are now being collected in the Main Office at OTHS. The cost is $50.00 and covers graduation expenses, including flowers, pictures, setup, etc. Please make payment to RSU #34 by Friday, May 27th. If your family needs help with this cost, please reach out to their school counselor.
If your student has received scholarships from their college or outside agency, please bring a copy to the guidance office as soon as possible. From time to time, we hear from parents who are frustrated that we did not announce a scholarship. You need to let us know. We can not announce what we do not know. Please don’t assume that we know - colleges do not send us copies of acceptance letters nor scholarships. The last day to turn these in is Jun 3, 2022. We can not guarantee that awards turned in after this date will be included in the ceremony.
Seniors attending EMCC - there is a summer success academy opportunity for you. Please see the attached fliers if you are interested.
Calendar of Graduation Activities - 2022.pdf
Graduation Information
Class of 2022 Scholarship and Awards Night - June 9th - 7:30 PM - no tickets are required for this event and all students and guest are welcome.
Class of 2022 Commencement Excersise - June 10th - 7:30 PM - senior students will be issued 8 tickets for this event (4 floor seats/4 bleacher seats) - these will be issued at random to students on June 9th at marching practice. If extra tickets are available, students will line up and they will be issued at that time.
Memorial Garden
We will have a small ceremony in the memorial garden for Jordan Spencer starting at 2:20(ish) on May 27th (rain date is June 3). All students and staff are welcome to attend. Students will be dismissed at the conclusion of the ceremony. Any student who does not wish to attend will be allowed to remain in the cafeteria.
Just a reminder that students who have a high number of unexcused absences during this semester could potentially earn a CO (Credit Only). If your student has 9 or more unexcused absences in any class (cumulative quarters 3 and 4), please have them reach out to their school counselor.
Dress Code
As the warmer weather continues, please be mindful of our dress code. When they come to school, students should have no private parts exposed and typical undergarments should be covered at all times, this includes sports bras and bralettes. All clothing should be opaque.
Spring Sports Schedules:
For the most up to date information, changes, and season schedules - please follow us in our social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and of course our school app/website -
Here is the link to our schedules online - Schedule Link
If you do not already have it, remember our RSU 34 app
Found in the app store for Android or Apple
Other Illness
While we’re emerging from the Omicron surge, and seeing fewer COVID cases in RSU #34, we are seeing increases in other viral illnesses. We want to keep our kids healthy and learning in school. Please remember to keep your child home when they’re sick, and if they have a fever to keep them home for 24 hours after the fever ends (without the use of fever-reducing medications).
Please remember to do the daily screening for COVID symptoms before your child gets on the bus or goes to school: link
If you do a home COVID test for one of our students, please include a picture of the test when you communicate with your school nurse
Last Day of School
Our last day of school for students in grades 9 thru 11 will be Friday, June 17th. It will be a half-day, students will be dismissed from OTHS at 12:30pm.
OTHS Yearbook
The 2022 OTHS Yearbook is now on sale!
The cost is $80
To purchase:
If you have any questions, please reach out to us.
Thank you for all of your support.
Scott Gordon
Amy Ketch
Jeremy Bousquet