Regularly scheduled on-site registration for these programs will take place beginning March 1, 2025. For information about registering your student, please contact the school they will attend.
Old Town Elementary School – 576 Stillwater Ave, Old Town – 827-1544
Alton Elementary School – 22 Argyle Road, Alton – 394-2331
Bradley Elementary, Viola Rand School – 55 Highland Ave, Bradley – 827-2508
Registration Information and Requirements for Pre-K and K Programs:
The Pre-kindergarten program (full-day, with a morning-only option) is for children who will be 4 years old on or before October 15 and reside in RSU 34. Applications for the 2025-2026 RSU 34 Pre-K program will be available on January 6, 2025. Children who are age 5 on or before October 15, 2025 are not eligible for this program and are encouraged to register for kindergarten. Completed applications should be returned to the elementary school in the community in which you reside. An original birth certificate and immunization records are required. Records must document for DPT (4 doses); polio (3 doses); MMR (1 dose); Varicella (chicken pox) – 2 dose required. On April 23, 2025, should the number of applications exceed the available number of available slots in the program for which you have applied, all COMPLETED applications for that program will be placed in a lottery system drawing for the slots available. Proof of residency (see below) and a birth certificate will be required at the time of registration. For questions contact the schools at:
Old Town Elementary – 827-1544 Viola Rand, Bradley – 827-2508, Alton Elementary – 394-2331The full-day Kindergarten is for children who will be 5 years old on or before October 15th. Please bring the child’s original birth certificate and immunization record with you to your school’s registration session. An original birth certificate and immunization records are required. Records must document for DPT (4-5 doses); polio (3-4 doses); MMR (2 dose); Varicella (chicken pox) – 2 dose required. Proof of residency is required for registration (see below). The physical address determines which school a child attends.
1. An original birth certificate and immunization records (Maine Statute link) are required. Records must document for DTAP (4-5 doses); polio (3-4 doses); MMR (2 doses); Varicella - chicken pox (2 doses); Tdap (1 dose prior to 7th grade); Meningococcal - MCV (2 doses - 1st prior to 7th grade & 2nd dose before 12th Grade) required.
2. Proof of residency is required for enrollment. The physical address determines which school a child attends. To meet the proof of residency requirements, a parent / guardian must submit one document of the following types:
Title evidence, mortgage statement, or lease agreement, tax bill, certificate of residency obtained from the town/city office
Utility bill such as an electric bill, gas bill, or home phone bill (a cellphone bill is not a utility bill and will not be accepted)
Maine Driver’s License, Maine State Identification Card, voter’s registration card, loan payment book, home insurance policy, bank account paperwork, medical card, permanent resident card.
3. Enrollments may be completed online, or at the Superintendent’s Office (located at Leonard Middle School, 156 Oak Street, Old Town) during our business hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm.
A physical copy of the birth certificate should be provided in person at the Superintendent’s Office. Our hours are as follows: Monday-Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm. Summer hours are Monday-Thursday 7:30am-4:00pm Friday 8am-12:00p.m
After enrollments are processed, staff will work with parents or legal guardians of students to make an appointment during regular school hours with the proper staff of the school where the student will attend.
We welcome you to explore the RSU 34 website which provides information about all of our schools and the many activities of our students and staff. We look forward to working with your family to meet the needs of your student! If you have any questions regarding the required information for enrollments; please call 207-827-7171 ext 6.
Those unable to provide all documentation due to eligibility under the McKinney-Vento Act should contact Kimm Kenniston at 827-3921 ext 3.