There is no school in RSU #34 today, Monday, March 4, 2019.
over 5 years ago, Maggie Mitchell
There is no school today, Wednesday, February 13, 2019 in RSU #34.
over 5 years ago, Maggie Mitchell
Free Community Event for Parents and Community Members National Speaker, Heather Forbes will speak on March 7th at 6:30 pm at the Cohen School. She will present how to help children who have experienced traumatic experiences or exhibit behavioral concerns. No registeration needed.
over 5 years ago, Dr. Jeanna Tuell
RSU#34 schools are closed today, Wednesday, January 30, 2019.
over 5 years ago, Maggie Mitchell
No after school programs at RSU34 today January 9, 2019
over 5 years ago, Dr. Jeanna Tuell
January Calendar Posted for Parents: Go to Documents, Newsletters, and look for the January 2019 Calendar. This is a good resource to post to your refrigerator and keep track of upcoming events.
over 5 years ago, Dr. Jeanna Tuell
Check out our newsletter on Facebook or visit our website documents page
over 5 years ago, Dr. Jeanna Tuell
On Thursday, December 13, some of the OTES Civil Rights Team traveled to Brewer to attend the annual training. Eighty-five students from seven elementary schools in the area were present and OTES was able to send 17 students! The mission of the group is make sure all students feel welcome and respected for who they are! The mission of the Civil Rights Team project is, “We help schools think and talk about issues related to race and skin color, national origin and ancestry, religion, disabilities, gender and sexual orientation”. The advisers for the OTES Civil Rights Team are Mrs. Wilcox, Mrs. Moran and Mrs. Lunn
over 5 years ago, Maggie Mitchell
CRT leaving for Brewer
CRT in Brewer
RSU #34 Schools are closed today, December 17, 2018.
over 5 years ago, Maggie Mitchell
The K-kids spread their holiday cheer today with their caroling down to the River House, Marsh Island Apartments, and the Meadows. The students were excited to share the carols and small ornament for their trees!
over 5 years ago, Dr. Jeanna Tuell
Singing at Marsh Island Apt
Singing at the River House
Singing at the Meadows
Here is our monthly calendar for December. Hope helps to keep your family organized in this crazy season!
almost 6 years ago, Dr. Jeanna Tuell
December calendar
Holiday Bazaar: We are looking for some more volunteers at the Holiday Bazaar on Saturday. Here's the link to support us:
almost 6 years ago, Dr. Jeanna Tuell
All after school activities are canceled today, Tuesday, 11/20/18, in RSU #34. This includes Library Club at OTPL.
almost 6 years ago, Maggie Mitchell
There is no school today, Friday, November 16, 2018 due to weather.
almost 6 years ago, Maggie Mitchell
This is our weekly newsletter for OTES
almost 6 years ago, Dr. Jeanna Tuell
Here is the latest Counseling Connection from Mrs. Wilcox and Mrs. Lunn.
almost 6 years ago, Maggie Mitchell
November 1 Counseling Connection
The RSU #34 Resource Center is open this afternoon , November 1st, from 2:30-4:00. Along with our regular supplies, there will be carrots, strawberries, apples, bananas, and a limited supply of Cowboy Beans and Rice To Go Meals available.
almost 6 years ago, Maggie Mitchell
Resource Center Logo
Here is the November lunch menu. The menu can also be found on our website and app by going to Old Town Elementary, choosing Menu, and clicking on Dining.
almost 6 years ago, Maggie Mitchell
OTES November lunch menu
After studying about farm animals and everything Farm, Kindergarteners took a walking field trip up to UMaine’s Witter Farm to explore the cows, horses and sheep that they have there. Farm staff gave students, teachers and parents a guided tour around the farm where students could see, hear, touch and smell all that the farm had to offer! Students will walk up again in the spring to see the spring babies!
almost 6 years ago, Maggie Mitchell
Visiting the cows
Visiting the horses
Visiting the calves
Visiting Germaine the cow
Thank you to Mrs. Wilcox and Mrs Lunn for a great celebration of Red Ribbon Week. We all had so much fun with each dress up day!
almost 6 years ago, Dr. Jeanna Tuell