Day 3 for JROTC at JCLC- cadets got up at 5 AM to beat the heat and conquer Tunk Mountain. After the hike they enjoyed a well deserved ice cream at Jordan’s in Ellsworth then cooled off in Little Fitts Pond. Go Coyotes.
2 months ago, Scott Gordon
Tuesday was Day 2 at JCLC. Cadets negotiated the high ropes course and climbing wall and were treated to a refreshing swim. Go Coyotes.
2 months ago, Scott Gordon
On Monday, Cadets from OTHS joined Nokomis, Bangor, Hermon, and Brewer JROTC programs at Camp Roosevelt for the annual JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge (JCLC). Cadets will spend the week physically and mentally challenging themselves while building leadership skills and making new friends. Go Coyotes.
3 months ago, Scott Gordon
Last Friday morning, eight students from our National Honor Society volunteered to help out with Special Olympics at the University of Maine. Go Coyotes.
3 months ago, Scott Gordon
Our Seniors are enjoying breakfast this morning! Thanks So Much to Old Town Fire and Rescue as well as Old Town PD! This Friday morning Graduation day breakfast has become "a tradition like no other!" Go Coyotes.
3 months ago, Scott Gordon
 OT Fire
The hottest ticket in town tonight. Our Class of 2024 Graduation exercises begin at 7:30pm. If you cannot secure a ticket at this point, here is your link to view online: Go Coyotes.
3 months ago, Scott Gordon
Grad tickets
Tonight is the Class of 2024 "Scholarship and Awards Night." This is a non-ticketed event. Here is the link to watch online: Go Coyotes!
3 months ago, Scott Gordon
Scholarship Night
The OT Jazz Band rocked Minsky Recital Hall at U-Maine last night for the final concert of the year. Go Coyotes!
3 months ago, Scott Gordon
On Thursday, Cadets from OTHS JROTC worked with the Old Town VFW Post #3381 to place American flags on Veterans’ graves at two local cemeteries. This is the second year we have done this and it’s rewarding to see our Cadets taking an interest in honoring the veterans of our community. The next time you pass a local cemetery, it’s worth a glance to notice just how many members of our town have served in the armed forces. The shear volume of flags tells a proud story! As you go through your day, please take a moment to remember the fallen soldiers who are no longer with us.
3 months ago, Scott Gordon
Memorials Day1
Memorials Day2
Memorials Day3
Memorials Day4
On Thursday night, the Maine Music Educators Association held their annual awards banquet. Old Town High School's very own Jeff Priest was inducted into their Music Hall of Fame for his years of dedication to thousands of young musicians. It all started back in the fall of 1989, when OT hired the Sangerville native to take over the music program. The rest is history, as Jeff went on to create a dynasty of musical excellence that has spanned more than three decades and put OTHS on the map with a music program that is recognized statewide and beyond. Jeff's impact reaches far beyond the walls of OTHS, through the student teachers and others who have benefitted from his expertise and gone on to become outstanding Music Educators. Congratulations Jeff, for an honor that is well deserved. We are proud and grateful for all that you have done for our students and for our school.
4 months ago, Scott Gordon
Jeff Priest1
Priest plaque
Priest & Skeffington
Priest & Ketch
Priest & Family
Because he won't post it, the Assistants will take over - Happy National School Principal Day to our leader, the one who puts students first no matter what! Hope Principal Gordon enjoyed his day of celebration!
4 months ago, Jeremy Bousquet
This Saturday, April 27th, Hirundo is offering a free "Meet a Scientist" event to celebrate Earth Day! This will be at Binette Park in Old Town from 10 AM - 1 PM. Join Hirundo Wildlife Refuge in celebrating Earth Day at Binette Park in Old Town! Meet scientists from around Maine, who will showcase some of the equipment they use and what projects they are working on right now! Peer through lenses and activate your brain by asking questions and discovering more about the world around you. Tables will be stationed around the park featuring topics ranging from golden eagles and bird banding, to DNA extraction, to archaeology! Meet A Scientist will be your one-stop shop to learn about all the local science being conducted. Learn the basics of what scientists do and how you can become a citizen scientist! This celebration of learning will be fun for everyone, so bring the whole family or come on your own. Pick up a stamp card at the Hirundo table, visit at least 7 tables, and get a free nature-themed poster of your choice (first come first serve)! Directions ~ Binette Park 434 Main Street, Old Town, ME 04468 (44.937288, -68.647140) Located on Main Street in Old Town, along the Penobscot River, between Pepper's Landing and The Rock Church.
4 months ago, Dr. Jon Doty
Hirundo Meet a Scientist
Congratulations to Vasia Markides, OTHS "Staff of the Month" for the month of March! Vasia is passionate about what she teaches and does her best to make sure students feel the same by being an amazing teacher. Vasia is an Old Town High School graduate, class of 1997. She also does a tremendous job of displaying student work in our halls! Thank You Vasia for all that you do for our school and for our students! Go Coyotes.
5 months ago, Scott Gordon
Ms. Markides
Our JROTC "Cadet of the Month" for the month of March is Ian Dutra. Cadet Captain Ian Dutra consistently strives for excellence in both academic and extracurricular activities. Earning Highest Honors each quarter, Ian plans to pursue a degree in either Cybersecurity or Engineering. He is active on campus with the Golf, Robotics, and Math teams. Off campus he competes with the Black Bear Robotics and Cybersecurity teams. Ian is the S4 of the Coyote Battalion, responsible for ensuring the unit’s logistical needs are met. He has also been a member of the Raiders team. Most recently, Ian was the Captain of the Coyote Battalion’s Cybersecurity Team, leading them to the league championship and a fourth-place finish at the Second Brigade Championship. Congratulations, Ian. Go Coyotes.
5 months ago, Scott Gordon
Ian Dutra
The final results are in and our JROTC Cyber Security team garnered a 4th place finish in Pennsylvania. This is an AMAZING result considering this is our first ever competition. In addition, of the three teams that finished ahead of us, one was the host school in their seventh year of competing and another school is exclusively a computer science school. Great Job Guys! We are Proud of You! Go Coyotes.
5 months ago, Scott Gordon
final results
our team
2024 Old Town High School Principal's Award Winner Zoe Yerxa of Old Town, a senior at Old Town High School has been selected to receive the 2024 Principal's Award. The award, sponsored by the Maine Principals Association, is given in recognition of a high school senior's academic achievement, extra curricular participation, and school citizenship. "Zoe is an outstanding student and is the Valedictorian for the class of 2024. She is a three-sport athlete, a member of our National Honor Society and a great young lady." Zoe, Mr. Gordon and other award winners and their principals will attend an Honors Luncheon at Jeff’s Catering on Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 12:30 p.m. The Honors Luncheon recognizes these outstanding students with the presentation of an individual plaque and the awarding of ten $1,000 scholarships in the names of former Maine principals and MPA Executive Directors: Horace O. McGowan, Richard W. Tyler, and Richard A. Durost. The Principal's Award is presented in more than 100 Maine public and private high schools by member principals of the MPA. Congratulations Zoe! We are Proud of You!
5 months ago, Scott Gordon
Zoe Yerxa
In 2010, the Memorial Garden at OTHS was opened as an Eagle Scout Project by Paul Nelson. In all, we have 15 students honored who have passed away during high school since 2000. The original location, while beautiful, is difficult to access and hard to maintain. The RSU34 Educational Foundation is looking to move the garden to be more accessible and easier to manage. We are looking to move this out back in the bus loop. If you are able to contribute or share, it would be much apprecaited. The link to the Ed Foundation is: and just note that it is for the Memorial Garden. Special thanks to the Educational Foundation for taking this on and Josh Curtis for sketching the vision.
5 months ago, Scott Gordon
RSU 34:: RSU 34 schools will be closed today--Thursday, March 21, 2024. We apologize for the change of course. Conditions are not improving in time for morning bus runs as we had anticipated when making the decision early this morning.
5 months ago, Jeremy Bousquet
Another day, three more Capstone presentations completed by three amazing seniors. Shout out to Ben Dickey, Janelle Sanchez & Saige Evans!
6 months ago, Scott Gordon
Honors Diploma1
Honors Diploma2
Honors Diploma3
Friday was "Debate Day" in Mrs. Turners Current Events class. The debate question was, should the State of Maine enact Red Flag Laws? Both teams did amazing. It was a well thought out, well argued debate. Go Coyotes
6 months ago, Scott Gordon
Debate Day
Debate Day2
Debate Day3
Debate Day4
Debate Day5
Debate Day6
Debate Day7
Debate Day8