Cadets of the Coyote Battalion presented the Colors at Friday night’s UMaine hockey game.  Kevin Murray commanded the Color Guard and was joined by Kylee Murray, Jesse Bouchard, and Cameron Jones. #CoyotePride
6 months ago, Scott Gordon
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Tonight is the BIG NIGHT! The MPA Drama Festival kicks off at Ellsworth High School with OT's performance of "Bearskin." Break a Leg, OT!
6 months ago, Scott Gordon
Mrs. Walsh and Mrs. Bousquet recently learned about Best Buddies, a non-profit organization that creates opportunities for one-on-one friendships and decided to create an OTHS Chapter! With the help of Chapter President, Rhiannon B and Key Club, they held their first meeting yesterday. We are looking forward to seeing this club grow and create meaningful memories for all! #CoyotePride
6 months ago, Scott Gordon
On Tuesday afternoon, Dr. Kelsi Hobbs, Professor of Economics at the University of Maine presented a seminar to students in the Diplomas of Extra Distinction Program. The students learned about the field of Economics and about Dr. Hobbs’ areas of research. To end the seminar, Dr. Hobbs had the students participate in a hands-on trading game to learn about the economic principle of trade. #CoyotePride
6 months ago, Scott Gordon
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The OTHS Student Council is holding its annual semi-formal dance THIS Saturday, March 2 from 7pm to 10pm. Tickets are on sale before school and at lunches this week: $18 for couples tickets and $10 for singles tickets. Get yours today!! (Also available at the door on Saturday, $10 per person).
6 months ago, Scott Gordon
semi formal
RSU 34 and the OTO-YMCA partner on the River Runners program, one of the "beacons of hope" identified in this statewide Op-Ed that are proactively creating opportunities for youth. Making multiple positive niches for every child/youth is an important part of their development - some of those happen in school, and some out of school. River Runners is part of the Aspirations Incubator Program, of the Rural Futures Fund.
6 months ago, Dr. Jon Doty
Saturday was a busy day for RSU #34's robotics teams! On one side of the river, the LMS robotics team competed in the FIRST Lego League Maine State competition. The team was excited that in their very first round they exceeded the best score they had all year the prior year. They competed several more times that day, building on that success and growth. Meanwhile, across the river the OTHS robotics teams competed in the VEX "February Finale", the last meet of the regular season. Three of the four OTHS teams had already qualified for the state championships going into that meet, and one of the four OTHS teams had already qualified for the CREATE U.S. Open Robotics Tournament. In RSU #34, we undertook an initiative a decade ago, spearheaded by one of our community members and volunteer coaches, to integrate robotics and coding into the school day. Beginning with Bee Bots at our elementary schools, through WeDo, Spike Prime, NXT, Sphero, coding, app design, 3D design and printing, laser cutting and engraving - RSU #34 students have lots of opportunities to develop computational thinking and cutting-edge skills! Along the same lines, we learned Friday that the OTHS JROTC Cyber Security team, league champions, is invited to compete in the 2nd JROTC Brigade competition in March. Congratulations, Cadets!
7 months ago, Dr. Jon Doty
LMS Robotics
OTHS Robotics
Reminder we are live in a couple of minutes for the Semester 1 Academic Breakfast
7 months ago, Jeremy Bousquet
Due to weather this afternoon and evening, all after school activities are canceled for OTHS.
8 months ago, Jeremy Bousquet
OTHS Critter Search 2023. Each class had a cute critter to find hiding in different locations throughout the week. Not only was this a fun way for classes to compete against one another, but there was a second part as well, students were sent trivia questions about different winter holidays and festivals celebrated all over the world. A total of fifty different traditions from many different cultures were learned about by our students this week. Go Coyotes!
8 months ago, Scott Gordon
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OTHS Key Club wrapped up their school wide Reverse Advent Calendar Food Drive yesterday & delivered all of the food with Mrs. K Ketch to The Caring Community Cupboard. Thanks to all who donated!!
8 months ago, Scott Gordon
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Today was "Cozy Cocoa" day. Here are some images of cocoa pouring and drinking in action. Shout out to Student Council for the Cocoa, the candy canes, the dress-up days and the added fun in what has been a difficult week.
9 months ago, Scott Gordon
Cocoa with Dr. Doty!
Cocoa & Math!
Mr. Myers & cocoa
cocoa & candy canes
peek a boo cocoa
Good morning RSU #34! We’re pleased to continue sharing staff profiles of our RSU #34 team. This month we visited with Ann Richard, Kitchen Manager at Old Town High School. After several days of disruption in our community due to the big storm, students and staff are excited about the breakfast and lunch Ann and team are preparing today! Ann was interviewed by our Assistant Superintendent, Dr. Jon Doty. When you were a kid what did you think you wanted to be when you grew up? I always wanted to be a graphic artist. I didn’t know what it was, but I liked art! In high school I also wanted to design clothes. What was your favorite book as a kid? Favorite book / author now? There was a book series about nurses that I really liked. Now, I like mysteries. The Family Upstairs by Lisa Jewell is a favorite. What was your favorite show or movie as a kid? The Brady Bunch and The Munsters! What led to your career - you’ve worked with us for more than 30 years! Before I had kids I worked as a payroll clerk at the shoe shop. I chose to stay at home with the kids, and then I started to work at the schools so I could match up with their schedules, snow days, and vacations. I started with the schools as a substitute, and now I’m Kitchen Manager. I also coached middle school field hockey for a while with Deb Ziobron (rest in peace). What do you like about working in RSU #34? I’ve always liked cooking, and I really love the kids. I initially wasn’t excited about working with high school aged kids, but I love it. They’re mature, and I like talking to them…if they initially don’t want to talk, I consider it my challenge to get them to talk. What do you like about our community? This area is nice, safe, and friendly. There’s a great atmosphere and sense of community, with fun things to do in town. What’s something most people don’t know about you? My 2nd grade report card said “Ann tends to be a little bossy.” Also, I’m addicted to Dateline. That fits with reading mysteries! How do you recharge your batteries? I like being home with peace and quiet, reading a good book. Who was your favorite teacher? Miss Pliska - she read to us a lot in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. If you could time travel, where is the first time/place you would go? I’d spend time with my parents again. My dad is the person I look up to most in life. If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Pepperoni and onion pizza. If you could appear on any game show, what would it be? Wheel of Fortune Favorite treat? Trader Joe’s Peanut Butter Cups Would you rather come face-to-face with a polar bear in the arctic, or a snake in the desert? Polar bear. No question. Thanks, Ann, for your hard work for our schools! RSU #34 Community, if you’d like to suggest someone for a future staff profile please use this form:
8 months ago, Dr. Jon Doty
Ann Richard at OTHS Coffee Bar
Caption: OTHS Alternative Ed program visited the Ronald McDonald for a tour and then helped clean the guest apartment.  The Program will be going down later in the year to cook a couple of different times for guests. Go Coyotes!
9 months ago, Scott Gordon
The Old Town High School Jazz Ensemble performed for the residents at Dirigo Pines in Orono on Friday, December 15th. The large crowd really enjoyed the holiday selections. The Old Town High School Jazz Ensemble students were thrilled to perform for them and hope that their performance put everyone in the holiday spirit. #CoyotePride
9 months ago, Scott Gordon
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The Old Town High School Jazz Ensemble held their Winter Concert on Thursday evening. Their six selections included three holiday songs and three they are working on for the upcoming State Jazz Festival. Several students stepped up to perform solos, which were fabulous! The night ended with an amazing jazz piece called "Mud bug strut." I see another gold trophy in their future....
9 months ago, Scott Gordon
The results for the JROTC Leadership and Academic Bowl (JLAB) Level I are posted, and both of your Coyote Battalion teams advanced to Level II! Of the five Army JROTC programs in Maine, we are the only school with both the Academic and Leadership teams advancing. Nokomis and Hermon advanced in the Academic competition. Level I and Level II are online competitions, with cadets competing for a chance to travel to Washington DC in June to compete in the Level III event. Level II takes place in February. A big Congratulations to - our Academic Team - Miles Felcman (captain), Kylee Murray, Killian Pottle, Buddy Thurston, Anna Parsons & Marcus Cote. Also, a big Congratulations to our Leadership team - Jesse Bouchard (captain), Cooper Neely, Kevin Murray, Ian Aldrich, Cameron Jones & Kat Smallwood. #GoCoyotes
9 months ago, Scott Gordon
The OTHS Key Club visited OTES KKids today & made ornaments & decorated & ate holiday cookies. The ornaments will be delivered with holiday cards to an assisted living home in Old Town. #GoCoyotes!
9 months ago, Scott Gordon
Congratulations to Junior Kai Dube, who has completed her JMG Maine Career Exploration Badge! In the past year, Kai has completed research on the career fields that she was interested in, and then had the opportunity to complete work experience hours within Nursing and Elementary Education. During this time, she was able to get hands on experience at Northern Light Hospital, Quest Diagnostics Lab, and job shadow in Mrs. DeFroscia's Fourth Grade room at Old Town Elementary School. "While working on the MCEB, I was given experiences that I would not have had elsewhere. I was able to gain knowledge in different careers and really find something that is fun and that I would love to do. I am very thankful for this experience and am excited to continue my education after high school now that I have a better idea of what I would like to do in my future." Any Old Town High School juniors and seniors that may be interested in this opportunity, check out JMG's Maine Career Exploration Badge program! It offers 40 hours of meaningful work experience and a $500 academic reward upon completion. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity If interested, stop by the JMG room!
9 months ago, Scott Gordon
Career Exploration Badge pathway
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Monday was Debate day in Mrs. Turners' Current Events Class. The debate question was: "Should professional female athletes be paid the same as professional male athletes?" Both sides did a great job with their research and their participation in the debate. Go Coyotes!
9 months ago, Scott Gordon
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