On Thursday, December 14th, the Leonard Middle School bands, and the Old Town High School Jazz Ensemble will have their winter concerts. The middle school groups will perform at 6:30 in the gym and the high school Jazz Ensemble will perform at 7:45 in the cafeteria. All are welcome to attend. Come out and join us for a great evening of music!
9 months ago, Scott Gordon
LMS Music
OTHS Music
OTHS Music2
Our November "Staff of the Month" went to our amazing custodians! They are always helpful. When a mess is made they are on their way to help. They are busy cleaning the school every single day in the morning and at night to make sure the building stays clean and properly maintained. We are all appreciative of these unsung heroes!
9 months ago, Scott Gordon
Doug Shorey
Keith Jennings
Aaron Fowler
JMG has been setting up a thrift store at the end of the second floor hallway for both students and staff who’re interested in checking it out. This FREE thrift store is for everyone, not just people who need clothing items. This is a recurring event that is put up every Wednesday afternoon and taken down every Friday. JMG in general is a NO JUDGMENT ZONE! Much like their thrift store! JMG students felt that there was a need for this thrift store because they’re aware of how people struggle financially, especially around the holidays. They also just believe that clothes should be reused and recycled in general. They saw the thrift store as an opportunity to express these ideas and help solve clothing insecurity within our community. Students shouldn’t be afraid to stop by every Thursday and Friday if they’re interested!
9 months ago, Scott Gordon
Thrift Store1
Thrift Store2
Cadet Major Jesse Bouchard is the Coyote Battalion Cadet of the Month for October 2023. As the Operations Officer, Jesse is one of the driving forces on the Coyote Battalion Staff. His contributions to the Drill Team this fall were a direct reflection of the success and continued growth of the team. Jesse planned and organized this year’s Mogadishu Mile. The event was highly successful with 38 participants from Old Town and Bangor JROTC programs as well as UMaine ROTC, the highest number to date. Additionally, he is involved within the school through Pep Band, Key Club, and STUCO. Jesse still finds time to be engaged in the community through River Runners and Scouts.
9 months ago, Scott Gordon
Jesse Bouchard
The Equity Committee is holding a Tissue Drive from December 11th thru December 22nd. They are requesting the donation of tissues during that timeframe. They are hoping this effort will help stop the spread of germs, and make our community a cleaner place. The Old Town Equity Committee is looking for your help collecting tissue boxes to keep in classrooms! There are boxes to place donations in the lobby at OTHS.
9 months ago, Scott Gordon
Tissue Drive
In Mr. Gilbert’s wildlife biology class, students have been learning about mammals and habitat selection. For a lab, both classes went out back into our local forest to look for red squirrel tracks and food piles (called middens). Students were tasked with keeping track of where the food piles are kept (on the ground, on rocks, or in roots/logs/stumps), and what type of trees the tracks led to (coniferous or deciduous trees). This simple but effective data will ultimately give students an idea of what resources red squirrels might be selecting for.
9 months ago, Scott Gordon
Wildlife Bio
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Yesterday, Cadets from OTHS JROTC assisted the Old Town American Legion in recognizing the sacrifice of the 2,403 service members and civilians killed on December 7th in 1941. After the American Legion members read a few words and held a moment of silence, Norah Sanborn, Jesse Bouchard, Kylee Murray, and Kevin Murray presented the Colors for a 21 Gun salute and the playing of Taps.
9 months ago, Scott Gordon
Dec7 4
Dec7 1
Dec7 2
Dec7 3
Students at OTHS might be starting to see some white 5-gallons buckets at lunch time. Thanks to Lida Kanoti, Chrystal Thacker and Alexis Wesley the school’s Envirothon club has started to compost food waste! What’s great about the collected food from our cafeteria is that it helps Mr. Lewin feed his pigs! This initiative has many benefits. It keeps food out of landfills (which cuts greenhouse gas emissions), helps a local farmer feed his pigs, and then all of that pig poop is used to fertilize crops! So whenever you have any left over food Coyote Nation, feel free to leave it in the white 5-gallon buckets in the cafeteria! Go Coyotes!
9 months ago, Scott Gordon
Lewin & pigs
Yesterday in Mr. Gilbert’s Honors Biology class, students looked at how enzymes function. Enzymes speed up chemical reactions, but only when they are in their desired environments. Students tested how pH affects the enzyme catalase. Catalase is found in the liver and turns what would be harmful hydrogen peroxide into harmless water and oxygen. As an added bonus everyone got to have pineapple which contains an enzyme that digests proteins! That’s why when you eat too much pineapple the inside of your mouth starts to get tingly. As you mechanically digest the pineapple in your mouth it’s also trying to digest you! Isn’t science neat? #CoyotesLearning!
9 months ago, Scott Gordon
Honors Bio5
Honors Bio6
Today, Mr. Dick Bond from the Old Town Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3381 visited the JROTC classroom to recognize Cadets for their participation in the Voice of Democracy essay contest. Norah Sanborn, Ian Dutra, Brianna Engstrom, Kevin Murray, and Kylee Murray received award certificates and $50.00 for their essay submissions. Jesse Bouchard was the winner of the Post-level competition and his essay will move forward to the VFW District competition. Jesse received an award certificate and $200.00 for his winning essay. #GoCoyotes!
9 months ago, Scott Gordon
Last Friday, JMG students took a trip to Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center to participate in a Career Exploration Day. Here, students participated in a Q & A with Healthcare Professionals, including a Life Flight Nurse, Psychiatric Clinician & Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Physical Therapist, Medical Lab Assistant, and a Radiology Technician. They then took part in a Stop the Bleed training where they learned how to pack and apply pressure to wounds, and how to use tourniquets.  It was a great day of learning about all of the different careers that exist at our local hospitals and medical offices, as well as the variety of pathways to getting into those careers.  #CoyotesLearning
9 months ago, Scott Gordon
JMG Northern Light 9
RSU 34 schools are closed today, Monday, December 4, 2023. - be safe and see you tomorrow!
9 months ago, Jeremy Bousquet
Each year in Mrs. Turners' World Studies Classes, students teach each other what it would be like to live during the time of the Roman Empire. They learn about all the different social classes and aspects of culture to have a full understanding of this civilization. Go Coyotes!
9 months ago, Scott Gordon
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Rome Day 9
Rome Day 10
Here is the link for tonight's National Honor Society Induction Ceremony. OTES Principal, Dr. Jeanna Tuell will be the guest speaker. The ceremony begins at 6:30pm. https://www.youtube.com/live/jhCmMXTm1FE?si=oE7qvHD-2yEPVDPb
9 months ago, Scott Gordon
Nov 2022 1
Nov 2022 2
Nov 2022 3
The Old Town High School Key Club is doing their annual reverse advent calendar. Each day represents a different food item that they are collecting to help those in need. All donations will go to the Caring Community Cupboard here in Old Town. In addition, each item will be a point for your class for Spring Fling. Let's Go Coyote Nation! Let's make this our biggest donation ever!
9 months ago, Scott Gordon
Advent Calendar
peanut butter
Key Club
your grandma’s stuffing
Just a reminder.... TONIGHT is the night! Help is available at OT, if you need assistance creating your FSA ID! No appointment is necessary, just drop in to the Student Services Office any time between 5pm and 7pm. We are Here for You! :)
9 months ago, Scott Gordon
OT help
Happy Thanksgiving!
9 months ago, Scott Gordon
Happy Thanksgiving
Just a reminder.... Help is available at OT, if you need assistance creating your FSA ID!
9 months ago, Scott Gordon
Our JROTC Coyote Battalion hosted a Turkey Trot on Friday morning. Students and Cadets braved the cold weather and negotiated the 5K course while toting a 25-30 pound rucksack. Hayna Francis was the top male finisher and Lilly Mitchell was the first female finisher. Both will receive a turkey for the coming holiday.
10 months ago, Scott Gordon
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On Monday morning in MacKenzie Gymnasium, one of Old Town Police Department's latest recruits, and former OTHS student athlete, Bryce Richards, came by to join Mrs. Libbey's first block class in their Tchoukball game. What is "Tchoukball," you ask? It is a derivation of Team Handball, but with no defense played. The students were very excited to have him join the class! It was one of Bryce’s favorites during his time at OTHS and when Mrs. Libbey asked if he wanted to play…He couldn’t resist! In tchoukball, the ball is thrown off of a “rebounder” like a trampoline, and must be caught by the defensive team or they lose a point. The angle by which you throw the ball off the tchouk is really important! Who says physical education and math are not related?!
10 months ago, Scott Gordon
tchoukball goal area
tchoukball net